Tue, Sep 07, 2004
Piston Helos Continue To Gain Market Share Over Turbine
The only thing that
Robinson Helicopter does better than make helicopters is... selling
them. Robinson Helicopter Company sales increased to nearly 80% of
all piston and turbine helicopters produced in North America during
the first half of 2004. According to AIA's North American
production figures, Robinson produced 343 helicopters during this
period, a 54% increase over the same period last year. Of those
helicopters, 115 were R22s and 228 were R44s. The North American
industry total was 433 helicopters, with Bell producing 36,
Schweizer 24, Sikorsky 16, MD 8, and Enstrom 6 helicopters.
Robinson’s total sales last year in 2003 were 422
helicopters, the most helicopters
produced in the company’s thirty-year history. “We are
setting new records for ourselves,” explains company
President Frank Robinson.
“These first half numbers are much better than last year.
We are on track to break our own record in 2004.”
Over the last two years Robinson steadily increased production
and is currently producing
15 helicopters per week. To meet demand for its piston helicopters
Robinson has increased its workforce to nearly 1,100 employees and
is expanding into a newly completed 215,000 sq/ft factory, which
nearly doubles Robinson’s manufacturing floor space to
475,000 total sq/ft. With the expanded floor space, Robinson plans
to increase production even further as the backlogs for both the
R22 and R44 helicopter remain at over five months.
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