More Layoffs Reported At New Piper | Aero-News Network
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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Sat, Jan 11, 2003

More Layoffs Reported At New Piper

Possibility of As Many As 150 People w/o Jobs 

While the specific details can't be accurately pinned down til (probably) Monday, ANN has received a number of reports from several sources indicating that a number of staffers were laid off Friday, January 10th at the Vero Beach (FL) plant.

Sources indicate that as many as 150 people have been laid off, though a late night security officer could neither confirm the number or the type of layoffs that occurred... but DID confirm (Saturday) that there had been "some layoffs yesterday."

Struggling through tough times for the aircraft industry, New Piper had been especially hard hit by the current economic malaise and a product line that has seen little innovation, outside of the Malibu Meridian. One report suggests that this layoff was a serious one, and that one of the people most responsible for a long-rumored new single engine aircraft design was among those laid off. 
We've been contacted by the Company, and will have an update for you.



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