Twirly Birds To Celebrate 70 Years Of Vertical Flight Fellowship | Aero-News Network
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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Fri, Feb 27, 2015

Twirly Birds To Celebrate 70 Years Of Vertical Flight Fellowship

Group To Gather At Heli-Expo In Orlando Next Week

Seventy years ago, a small group of fledgling helicopter pilots met to share stories, experiences, and the common bond of vertical flight, and as a nod to the pioneer airplane pilot group Early Birds, they called themselves, "Twirly Birds".  The group of "founder" members included helicopter pioneers such as Igor Sikorsky, Charles Lindberg, Stanley Hiller and Stewart Graham, to name a few. 

The original membership requirements were that an applicant must have soloed prior to VJ Day (14 AUG) in 1945.  Realizing that the group was a "last man standing" organization, they quickly added a general membership category that required a member to have soloed at least twenty years previously.  Twirly Birds also has an associate membership category to induct someone that may not be helicopter pilot but one that has made a significant contribution to the helicopter industry for at least twenty years.
The group has no political or commercial interest and is by design, a social group comprised of individuals.  Anyone who has soloed at least twenty years ago is encouraged to join Twirly Birds and members are welcome at the annual meeting this year on 3 MAR 2015 at the Orlando Hilton, Lake Mizell meeting room beginning at 1700 hours.  Catch up with old friends and make new ones by joining Twirly Birds!



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