04.01.15 Special: King Schools Introduces Sleep Teaching | Aero-News Network
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Wed, Apr 01, 2015

04.01.15 Special: King Schools Introduces Sleep Teaching

‘Most Restful Groundschool Ever Devised' John King Says

ANN’s April 1 “April Fool” Special Edition

The latest innovation in ground schools has been introduced by John and Martha King. “Aviation While You Sleep” will allow student pilots to learn the fundamentals of flying while they sleep.

“This course is designed for the busy professional who just doesn’t have time to study during the day, and can’t keep his or her eyes open at night,” said King Schools founder John King.

“If we’re going to grow the pilot population, we have to make it easy for them to learn the material. Between jobs, kids, yardwork, and just everyday life, there aren’t enough hours in the day for someone to study for an FAA written exam. This will allow them to use those sleeping hours productively.”

Martha King said that the system is much like their normal online or DVD courses, but comes with a special speaker to be placed under the student’s pillow.

“There is a timer that will allow the student to reach deep sleep, then switch on and begin to play a recording of the material,” she said.

“It’s read in a very soothing voice, so as not to wake the student. But when they wake up, they find they understand everything from density altitude and adverse yaw to basic navigation.”

The Kings said that they have field tested the course on volunteers, and have found that 87% passed the practice test modules included in the course.

“It is best if they take the practice test shortly after waking … maybe with their first cup of coffee. They usually need a refresher before taking the FAA written, so do most students who take a traditional ground school course. Overall, we’ve had great results. It’s the most restful ground school ever devised,” John King said.

The course and special hardware will be available soon on the King Schools website. The initial price has been set at $99 for the set.

FMI: www.kingschools.com


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