New App Helps Track Aircraft Maintenance, Scheduling | Aero-News Network
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Sat, Nov 30, 2019

New App Helps Track Aircraft Maintenance, Scheduling

Coflyt Intelligent Aircraft Software Available For iOS And Android Platforms

A new app allowing to pilots and operators to fully automate their aircraft management for better communication across their ownership team, which can include partners, A&P's, insurance brokers, or their flying club, has been introduced by Coflyt.

The company says Coflyt is helpful to any pilot, flight school, flight club, or mechanic that is involved with the ownership and care of general aviation aircraft. Those using the aircraft are able to utilize the app to create an accurate log of all flights, pilots, distances travelled, and more.

With this information, A&P's or aircraft owners can manage maintenance and schedule upcoming care. The full aircraft ownership team is able to use Coflyt to ensure they are consistently meeting all inspection requirements and that the aircraft is ready for flight, without having to pull out log books or worry about contacting others who may have used the aircraft.

"We were aware that the majority of aircraft owners were still keeping their aircraft information and records in an inefficient manner by using paper documents, excel spreadsheets, or other disconnected tools with little to no communication between the involved parties. There were often maintenance issues that were missed and flight logs that were not recorded, so we formed the Coflyt team to provide improved tools for the aviation community. We worked to create an in-depth app that helps owners, pilots, and mechanics care for their aircraft intelligently, with an even greater value for those who are sharing ownership responsibility," said Coflyt founder Tal Clark.

Coflyt offers:

  • Maintenance insights to keep the aircraft ownership team informed about maintenance items or squawks
  • Aircraft status to view required VFR/IFR inspection statuses
  • Shared aircraft management to log flights by multiple pilots and analyze usage
  • The ability to share aircraft information with a pilot's A&P or others involved in the aircraft's management.

Coflyt is able to:

  • Track FAA compliance with inspections and suggested maintenance
  • Record squawks and provide visibility to others
  • Log aircraft flight times and provide reports on usage
  • Create reservations and view aircraft availability
  • Share information with all aircraft users
  • Provide financial tools for partners within the app

The app is available now on the Apple and Google Play stores.

(Source: Coflyt news release. Image provided)



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