FAA: New ETOPS Regs For FAR 121 and 135 Ops | Aero-News Network
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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Tue, Nov 11, 2003

FAA: New ETOPS Regs For FAR 121 and 135 Ops

FAA Proposes First-Ever Regulations on Long-Range Aircraft Operations

The era of the trans-oceanic three and four engine airliner continues to fade. The FAA is proposing first-time regulations for extended aircraft operations (ETOPS), which would allow consumers to take advantage of new, more direct routes and more frequent trips on existing routes.

“Because of the impressive reliability of modern jet engines, the proposed rules will allow aircraft with two engines to fly more direct routes on long-range flights more safely and at the same time save travelers time and airlines fuel and operating expenses,” said FAA Administrator Marion C. Blakey.

If adopted, ETOPS rules will cover scheduled air carriers (Part 121) and charter operators (Part 135) and carry the full legal authority of a federal aviation regulation. Currently, carriers and operators comply voluntarily with FAA advisory circulars that govern ETOPS.

“The proposed ETOPS rules reflect today’s advanced engine technology and performance,” Blakey said. “Pilots who enter the profession today are likely to go through their entire careers without experiencing an engine failure.”

ETOPS flights, which number nearly 30,000 worldwide each month, are possible due to the improved reliability and performance of today’s jet engines. Beginning in 1985, the FAA incrementally relaxed the rule prohibiting two-engine airplanes from flying more than 60 minutes from a diversion airport. Today, the majority of flights over the North Atlantic and a growing number of flights over the Pacific operate with two-engine aircraft, bringing extensive benefits to the flying public.

These new regulations will also strengthen safety and bring greater uniformity by including three- and four- engine aircraft that are currently not subjected to two-engine aircraft ETOPS requirements. Additional ETOPS requirements for aircraft with at least two engines will include cargo fire suppression, rescue and fire-fighting capability and improved communication.

This proposed rulemaking also incorporates recommendations by the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee, a government-industry body that helps the FAA develop proposed rules, existing FAA policy, industry best practices and international standards to ensure that long-range flights will continue to operate safely.

FMI: www.faa.gov


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