Pilot Ejects From F-15C Over Missouri | Aero-News Network
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Airborne AffordableFlyers-12.12.24


Fri, Nov 02, 2007

Pilot Ejects From F-15C Over Missouri

Plane Impacts In Rural MOA Near Viburnum

The pilot of a Missouri Air National Guard F-15C fighter ejected from his plane Friday morning, shortly before the aircraft crashed in a rural area about 125 miles south of St. Louis.

The aircraft (type shown above) departed Lambert Field on a training mission, and crashed at approximately 1000 CDT, ANG Captain Bridgette Zorn told the St. Louis Post Dispatch.

"There is no indication at this time what happened," Zorn said in a telephone interview. "We are compiling an emergency response team to begin looking into the cause."

The pilot, the only person onboard, was recovered and taken to a local hospital for treatment. His condition was not immediately reported.

The aircraft, operating for the 131st Fighter Wing at Lambert, impacted in a military operations area (MOA) near the community of Viburnum.

FMI: www.mostlo.ang.af.mil/


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