AOPA has
issued this checklist as a cockpit tool, suggesting you print it
out, laminate it and put it with your other checklists. It's the
new reality... by the numbers.
On the ground:
Contact ATC via clearance delivery or landline and obtain a
transponder code
Transponder ON squawking code
In the air:
Do NOT leave the airport vicinity without ATC approval and
radio contact
VFR flights from airports within the ADIZ
(XC, practice area outside ADIZ)
On the ground:
Contact ATC via clearance delivery or landline and obtain a
transponder code
Transponder ON squawking code
Before becoming airborne:
Establish two way communications with ATC prior to
After becoming airborne:
Maintain two-way communications with ATC while operating within
the ADIZ.
Follow ATC instructions until outside the ADIZ boundary
VFR flights desiring entry into the ADIZ area
Before penetrating the ADIZ:
Contact ATC and obtain transponder code
While operating within the ADIZ:
Maintain two-way communications with ATC while operating within
the ADIZ
Maintain your discrete code until you have landed or are
outside the ADIZ boundary
Before entering Class B/D airspace:
Pick up a separate clearance to enter Class B airspace, or
establish two-way
IFR operations within the ADIZ
On the ground:
Contact ATC via clearance delivery or landline and obtain a
transponder code
Transponder ON squawking code
Before becoming airborne:
Establish two way communications with ATC prior to
After becoming airborne:
Maintain two-way communications with ATC while operating within
the ADIZ
Must have transponder code and be in two-way communications
with ATC prior to departure
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