Questair Crash in Carefree: Bad Landing | Aero-News Network
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Thu, Sep 25, 2003

Questair Crash in Carefree: Bad Landing

Early reports said that there were some who thought the engine had quit, on Robert Gisburne's Questair Venture; we noted that a local ANN News-Spy said the landing was just really, really hot.

The NTSB's preliminary report tends to support our News-Spy: "A Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) inspector stated that the airplane touched down 2/3 down the runway where he observed skid marks on the runway. The airplane veered to the right crossing over a section of dirt before entering the taxiway. Once on the taxiway the pilot was able to straighten out the airplane. The pilot powered up the engine, and turned the airplane back towards the runway. As the airplane traveled at a 45-degree angle to the runway, it crossed a section of dirt, where the left main landing gear struck a VASI light. The airplane started to porpoise down the runway, and continued off the runway, still at a 45-degree angle. The airplane became airborne and flew over a wash. After crossing the wash the airplane flew into a wall."

Gisburne and his passenger, 74-year-old Charles Tegeler of Scottsdale (AZ), Gisburne's father-in-law, dead at the scene of the 'egg's' crash and ensuing fire.

We understand these were the first fatalities at Carefree, which is celebrating its 45th anniversary this year.



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