Upgraded: Paul Costanzo Named President of OMF Aircraft | Aero-News Network
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Fri, Oct 31, 2003

Upgraded: Paul Costanzo Named President of OMF Aircraft

OMF Aircraft has just announced that Paul Costanzo has joined the company as President. In that capacity, he will have responsibility for the production, distribution and customer support of the Symphony line of aircraft in North America, which includes over 75% of the international general aviation market.

Derek Stinnes, Managing Partner and President of OMF GmbH, the German-based parent company of OMF Aircraft, will manage new product development for all of OMF, as well as aircraft production, distribution and product support for non-North American markets.

"With experience in both large and small companies, and an intimate knowledge of the Canadian aviation market, Paul brings a valuable depth of knowledge to OMF's management team," said Stinnes.

"He's the right man to transform this company from a successful start-up into an industry leader."

Costanzo spent a decade with Bell Helicopter Textron, working both in Canada and in the US. He served as Senior Vice President of its Commercial Business Unit, where he had responsibility for international sales, marketing and product support for the commercial market. In Canada, he served as both Executive Vice President and President of Bell Helicopter's commercial production facility in Quebec. He has held management position with Canadair Limited and Execaire, Inc, and as a charter accountant, served as an external auditor for Coopers & Lybrand.

"It's an enormous challenge to build a new company in a mature market. The strengths of the Symphony aircraft make this a wonderful opportunity," said Costanzo.

"We plan to continue to bring new products to the market, and provide unparalleled product support."

OMF Aircraft manufactures and markets the Symphony 160, a two-place, high wing, single engine aircraft. Two other aircraft are in development - diesel/Jet-A powered Symphony 135D and the four-place Symphony 250 (formerly known as the Symphony 4).

FMI: www.omf-aircraft.com


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