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August 11, 2023

Airborne 08.11.23: SpaceX Test, Drones Buzz Airshow, Wheel's Up Acquired

 Also: National Air Force Museum, Virgin Flight Succeeds, NASA Supersonic, Cessna SkyCourier

SpaceX has performed a static-fire test of a new Super Heavy booster at its Boca Chica, Texas Starbase launch facility. While the ignition of 33 Raptor rocket engines proved a memorable spectacle; the test-firing yielded both favorable and unfavorable results. The Coast Guard employed Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) capabilities in collaboration with the FAA, Seattle PD, and Mercer Island PD to enforce FAA-issued temporary flight restrictions over Lake Washington during 2023’s Seafair Weekend Festival in support of the event’s constituent airshow. Throughout the event, the Coast Guard detected 16 UAS operators violating air

History Restored Tour to Visit Utah and California

Famed B-29 Doc and C-47 That’s All … Brother Featured

The B-29 Doc History Restored Tour will travel the Western U.S. with stops in St. George, Utah, and Chino, California between 07 and 10 September 2023. The C-47 known as That’s All…Brother—the lead aircraft by which the first Allied troops were delivered to Normandy on D-Day, 06 June 1944, will join the B-29 Doc for both tour stops.

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FAA to Codify New 737-MAX Ice Protection Limitations

Hot Under the Collar

U.S. regulators are warning operators of Boeing 737-MAX family aircraft to limit use of the jets’ engine inlet and anti-icing system in dry air. The FAA contends overheating of the engine inlet leading edge—that part of the engine assembly heated by bleed-air tapped from the powerplant’s hot-section—occasions risk of parts separating from the engine’s housing.

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Cessna SkyCourier Granted Brazilian Certification

New Textron Offering to Enter South American Market

Textron Aviation, the parent company of Beechcraft, Hawker (formerly), Cessna, and Lycoming, announced on 08 August 2023 that Cessna’s new SkyCourier twin utility turboprop has been awarded type certification by the National Civil Aviation Authority of Brazil (ANAC), thereby heralding the aircraft’s entrance into Brazil’s dynamic and expansive aircraft market.

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USAF Addresses KC-46 Deficiencies

767-Derivative Tanker Manifestly Troubled

More than six-years have passed since the U.S. Air Force identified a number of serious deficiencies plaguing its Boeing-built KC-46 tankers. Comes now August 2023 and no fewer than six Category-1 deficiencies remain outstanding on the 767-derivative aircraft. A seventh such deficiency was downgraded to Category-2 in April.

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SpaceX Static Fires Super Heavy Booster 9

Inklings of a Second Starship Launch

On Sunday, 06 August 2023, Space Exploration Technologies Corporation—known throughout the world as SpaceX, the American spacecraft manufacturer, launch-service provider, and satellite communications company headquartered in Hawthorne, California and owned by enigmatic multi-billionaire and Tesla-founder Elon Musk—performed a static-fire test of a new Super Heavy booster at its Boca Chica, Texas Starbase launch facility. While the ignition of 33 Raptor rocket engines proved a memorable spectacle; the test-firing yielded both favorable and unfavorable results.

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NTSB Releases Preliminary Report on OSH Rotorcraft Mishap

Helicopter Gyroplane Collision Remains Under Investigation

The NTSB has released its preliminary report on a 29 July 2023 accident in which a Rotorway 162F helicopter and an ELA ECLIPSE 10 gyroplane, registrations N193AZ and N221EL respectively, collided mid-air in VMC conditions in the vicinity of Oshkosh, Wisconsin’s Wittman Regional Airport (OSH).

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Airborne 08.11.23: SpaceX Test, Drones Buzz Airshow, Wheel's Up Acquired

Also: National Air Force Museum, Virgin Flight Succeeds, NASA Supersonic, Cessna SkyCourier

SpaceX has performed a static-fire test of a new Super Heavy booster at its Boca Chica, Texas Starbase launch facility. While the ignition of 33 Raptor rocket engines proved a memorable spectacle; the test-firing yielded both favorable and unfavorable results. The Coast Guard employed Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) capabilities in collaboration with the FAA, Seattle PD, and Mercer Island PD to enforce FAA-issued temporary flight restrictions over Lake Washington during 2023’s Seafair Weekend Festival in support of the event’s constituent airsh

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Three Perish in California Aerial Firefighting Mishap

Bell 407 and Sikorsky Skycrane Collide over Riverside County

A mid-air collision involving two firefighting helicopters claimed the lives of three crew-members on Sunday, 06 August 2023. The helicopters, a Bell 407 spotter aircraft and a water-dropping Sikorsky Skycrane, were fighting a wildfire in the vicinity of the Cabazon, an unincorporated community in the Golden State’s Riverside County. The Bell 407 landed safely. The Skycrane, regrettably, impacted ground; a post-impact fire set off an additional four-acre fire.

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Airborne 07.27.23 Redux: Opener Blackfly, Super Guppy!, Murphy T-Moose

Also: uAvionix Update, Samaritan Aviation, Night Airshow, Jack Pelton-Pt 4

People flock to Oshkosh from all over the world to see the latest and greatest in aviation innovation and design… and the Opener Blackfly definitely gets attention! It looks like it ate a DC-9… but the Super Guppy is an unconventional hard-working airplane… that dropped in to Oshkosh to show one and all a different side of the aviation workforce. Over the years, the ANN crew, especially Jim Campbell, has flown just about everything this company has built… and approves. Now, with new direction, the Murphy gang is back on the job. The display included a few of

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Airborne 07.28.23: EXTRA 330 SX, Velocity 6 VTwin, ScaleBirds P-36

Also: King Schools, Parade of Aero-Nations, C5 Galaxy, SnF2024!, Jack Pelton #5

Extra Aircraft’s pursuit of the ultimate aerobatic mount appears to have reached a new plateau… the 330 SX is a new breed of aerobat with aggressive tweaks to make it a future leader in world aerobatic competition. It looks good, it sounds great and it can carry up to six people with twin-engine redundancy… is this the best Velocity yet? Great performance, solid economy and room for the family… what’s not to like. A unique replica of an aircraft that has not gotten a lot of attention. The Verner radial powered P-36 is starting to shape up, while ki

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Air Force Academy Cadet Injured During Parachute Training

Injuries Undisclosed but Allegedly “Significant”

An Air Force Academy cadet sustained significant injuries while participating in a basic parachute training exercise. The cadet remains hospitalized—so the Academy sets forth in an official statement pertaining to the incident. The cadet was reportedly participating in the service’s Airmanship 490 class, known also as basic jump training, on the academy's Davis Airfield (AFF) when the student was hurt on 31 July at approximately 12:00 MDT.

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Airborne 07.26.23 Redux: WomenVenture, JOBY Sim, Kitfox Gear

Also: New Warbird Org, Gogo Update, Pedal Plane Parade, Pelton on Fuel

The term 'Esprit de Corps' is often associated with parts of aviation that tend to one gender... but NOT at Oshkosh... where the WAI and 99s communities (among others) have proven that women have more than the right stuff... they ARE the right stuff. How do you train the next generation of aviators to prepare for aircraft that are unlike anything they have flown before??? You simulate it... ANN’s Rex Alexander gives it a try. A Kitfox can go just about anywhere... and sometimes that means really rough turf... but a new offering makes it possible for the iconic Kitfox to go just about

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Airborne 07.25.23 Redux: Catalina Rebirth!, Wisk Flies, Volt Aero

Also: Able Flight, Comp Air 6.2, Hartzell is EVERYWHERE, Pelton Part 2

Editor's Note: While the ANN crew returns home (especially after Southwest waylaid a few of them), and gets some well-earned rest, we are proud to re-present our OSHKOSH Airborne episodes. We will return to our regular, intense, daily schedule early next week... and we have some really cool stuff to show you! Catalina Aircraft, holder of the Type Certificates for the 28-5ACF Catalina, has announced the rebirth of the iconic and legendary Catalina as the Catalina II Amphibious Turboprop. A production re-start p

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Klyde Morris (08.11.23)

Klyde and His Friends Do NOT Have An 'Off' Switch


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FAA Broadens Thrust Flight’s Examining Authority

Addison, Texas School Authorized to Perform CFI Check-Rides

The Federal Aviation Administration has granted Thrust Flight, the Addison, Texas-based flight academy, Examining Authority germane to the school’s Part 141 Certified Flight Instructor curriculum. Examining Authority enables designated academy personnel to perform check-rides for enrolled students pursuing Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) certification. Such discretion is only afforded flight-schools that demonstrably and consistently provide their students high-quality ground and flight training. Thrust Flight is among only a few institutions in North Texas to receive Examining Authority.

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Airborne 07.24.23 Redux: MOSAIC Details!, DeltaHawk DHK180, Tom Poberezny Statue

Also: Daher Upgrades, AEA’s Giveaway, Pelton on MOSAIC, MOSAIC, MOSAIC!

Editor's Note: While the ANN crew returns home (especially after Southwest waylaid a few of them), and gets some well-earned rest, we are proud to re-present our OSHKOSH Airborne episodes. We will return to our regular, intense, daily schedule early next week... and we have some really cool stuff to show you! STICK Around for the latter end of this episode of Airborne… Got question about MOSAIC… EAA Boss Jack Pelton has a lot of info to impart! It's been years since we’ve seen a new

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Classic Aero-TV: Uplifting, Amazing, FUN! The 2010 ABQ Balloon Fiesta!

From 2010 (YouTube Version): ANN Got Up EVERY Morning at 0400 To Bring This Coverage To You -- SO YOU BETTER WATCH IT (Grin)

It was one of the finest weeks I can recall in many moons... as our ANN/Aero-TV crew braved early morning wake-up calls to enjoy the very best of the 2010 Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta experience... and we had a seriously good time. We flew, we chased, we spent a LOT of time with hundreds of balloonatics and we truly got in touch with the true magi

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Oshkosh 2023 Morning Brief: Day Three -- WomenVenture, Gogo, Pedal Planes!

The Third of Five Days Of Morning Brief Goodness!

Join us for our first Oshkosh 2023 Morning Brief, live from Wittman Field! We have news from the day before, a little weather report, live interviews, and a look ahead, and the day's events to come! Our luck is holding out so far with the weather, though the Constellation is apparently dealing with some engine gremlins. In the meantime, today is warbird day and there is a night airshow to boot…. With no end of excitement to see hear and endure.

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Oshkosh 2023 Morning Brief: Day One--MOSAIC, Daher, Piper and More!

The First of Five Days Of Morning Brief Goodness!

Join us for our first Oshkosh 2023 Morning Brief, live from Wittman Field! We'll have news from the day before, a little weather report, live interviews, and a look ahead and the day's events to come! Oshkosh is packing them in already, and for those of you listening to the approach frequencies, you can only marvel at the skill of the controllers and pilots making their way here… already airplane camping is filling up fast and Oshkosh 2023 is looking to be massive. If the weather holds, this could be the biggest Oshkosh yet…

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Oshkosh 2023 Morning Brief: Day Two-Catalina Reborn?, Sun n Fun 50th!, DeltaHawk

The Second of Five Days Of Morning Brief Goodness!

Join us for our first Oshkosh 2023 Morning Brief, live from Wittman Field! We'll have news from the day before, a little weather report, live interviews, and a look ahead and the day's events to come! We predicted a massive opening day for OSH23 and we weren’t wrong. We’re approaching gridlock, airplane-wise and road traffic was significant…. Despite some bizarre traffic patterns installed by Oshkosh PD. We are seeing some amazing airplanes here… the Super-Guppy is as ugly and fascinating as ever while a real-live Constellation should be flying several times this week. And of co

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (08.11.23)

Aero Linx: Soaring Society of America, Inc. The Soaring Society of America, Inc. was formed in 1932 to foster and promote all phases of soaring, both nationally and internationally. Since then, the SSA membership has grown to almost 10,000. It is run by a 17 member Board of Directors, 10 of which are elected by the general membership by region to serve a three-year term, and seven who are elected by the Board of Directors each year to serve one-year terms. The policies and programs implemented by the SSA are decided by the Board of Directors, in meetings held bi-annually in the Summer and Winter. All Board meetings are open to the general membership...

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (08.11.23)

“… during certain combinations of altitude, total air temperature, and engine settings, the engine inlet inner-barrel could be heated beyond its design limit… which could cause the inlet-barrel to fail and damage the inlet cowl.” Source: Part of the FAA statement that indicated that Boeing needed to do some more test and development work on the Boeing 737-MAX family aircraft to limit use of the jets’ engine inlet and anti-icing system in dry air.

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