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Tue, Sep 02, 2003

Brazil in Space by 2006

Explosion Slowed Effort, Didn't Stop It

Brazil's Defense Minister, Jose Viegas, told reporters late last week that his country will, repeat, will continue its space quest.

The August 22 explosion that killed 21 people and destroyed two satellites and their rocket also did about $33 million in damage to the launch platform and complex; but the government remains committed to going to space.

The commitment has a timeframe that coincides with the present administration's. President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva  began his four year term on January 1. The President took the tragedy to heart, openly crying at the remembrance ceremony, where he promised their families compensation (about $33,000 per victim) and education of their children, up to the university level.

Further launch efforts are not likely to be run by Major-Brigadier Tiago da Silva Ribeiro, who was in charge of this year's effort, as well as Brazil's two earlier launch attempts (1997 and 1999), both of which also ended in failure. Even if da Silva is proven to have done nothing wrong, his aura is too unfavorable politically for him to survive at the head of the program.



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