High Resolution Aerial Imagery Added To True Flight Cheetah Portable MFD | Aero-News Network
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Sat, Jul 24, 2010

High Resolution Aerial Imagery Added To True Flight Cheetah Portable MFD

Resolution At 21 Feet For The Lower 48 United States

High-resolution aerial imagery mapping for the entire contiguous lower 48 states has been incorporated by True Flight for its line of portable Flight Cheetah multi-function GPS displays. In an announcement Thursday, True Flight said the addition of aerial imagery demonstrates True Flight's ability to bring to market technologies that will have a substantial impact on safety, yet remain affordable to every cockpit.

Aerial Image Screen Shot

The Flight Cheetah MFD will allow pilots to overlay aerial imagery providing a view of the terrain conditions below.  Should an emergency happen in IFR conditions or at night and an airport is not within reach, this unique ability to separate areas of buildings and trees from fields could be a life saving feature.  The aerial maps are at a resolution of 21 feet for the entire United States. The high-resolution aerial imagery will replace the satellite imagery previously provided to True Flight customers.

This feature will allow pilots to view the terrain below in direct relation to their current aircraft position. Pilots will also have the option to overlay any type of navigational information and/or weather on top of the aerial maps.

True Flight Cheetah MFD

"I can tell you firsthand having dealt with an engine problem at night many years ago, all those jokes about waiting till you get close to the ground and turning on your landing light and if you don't like what you see turning it off loses something in translation when it is actually happening to you. The addition of high resolution aerial terrain imagery will substantially improve situational awareness and safety to new highs in aviation", said Robert Kalberer president of True Flight.

Aerial imagery has already been released for Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana. The aerial imagery will be released for the rest of the US over the next two months several states at a time.

FMI: www.aviationsafety.com


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