NBAA Opposes O'Hare Legislation | Aero-News Network
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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Tue, May 13, 2003

NBAA Opposes O'Hare Legislation

Accuses It Of Failing To Address Meigs Reopening

In testimony Monday before the Illinois Senate General Assembly, the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) opposed legislation that addresses Illinois airport needs without including the reopening of Merrill C. Meigs Field (CGX) as originally agreed to by Chicago Mayor Daley and former Illinois Governor George Ryan.

"NBAA has great interest in how this committee and the Illinois General Assembly will respond to the challenges confronting the aviation system of the Chicago area, including the difficult and unique situation at Meigs Field," said David Vornholt, a member of NBAA's Airports/Heliports Committee who testified on behalf of NBAA at a May 12 hearing on Senate Bill (SB) 802 before a relevant Senate committee in the Illinois General Assembly.

NBAA: Shock And Outrage

NBAA and other general aviation associations have expressed shock and outrage at Daley's (right)decision to force the closure of Meigs Field on March 31 under the pretext of homeland security. These actions ignore the importance of Federal authority relative to homeland security and only have served to hurt the law-abiding American citizens who rely on Meigs Field.

"Legislation pending in the Illinois General Assembly (S.B. 802) has been described as the 'O'Hare Modernization Act,' " noted Vornholt. "Don't allow these actions - which also fail to honor the integrity of fair, reasonable and responsible governmental process - to be successful. Do the right thing and enhance the measure to ensure all the benefits of an agreement that will truly enhance the aviation system in Chicago and the United States."



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