Horizon Aircraft Shows Early Test Flights of Cavorite Model | Aero-News Network
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Wed, May 15, 2024

Horizon Aircraft Shows Early Test Flights of Cavorite Model

Scaled Version of Hybrid eVTOL X5 Shows Promise

Hybrid eVTOL manufacturer, or better said, developer, showed off its latest flight test using a smaller scaled version of its high-wing Cavorite X5.

The short tethered test flight shows the Cavorite take off from a standstill, lifting off and testing its behavior as it gently moves through a handful of power settings and control checks. It validated the Cavorite's yaw control system, as well as demonstrated to a small degree how stable and effective the aircraft is while taking off in VTOL mode. Cavorite's transition from vertical to horizontal flight "within the next few months", keeping pace in an industry where everyone wants to be first to market.

Future tests will really put it through the wringer, ensuring it can stay in place with windy conditions, or transition from vertical takeoff to cruise while remaining stable.

The Cavorite's claim to eVTOL competence rests on its wider, more efficient fixed wing design, which should help it stretch its legs better than equivalent aircraft relying only on a bank of rotors. 

Horizon has already begun production on a full-size rendition of its power plant and propulsion systems, anticipating testing on a full-scale prototype in the years to come.

"Over the past several months, Horizon has made incredible progress. I am continually amazed with the technical aptitude of our team as it clears one engineering hurdle after another. The transition flight testing program has taken significant strides forward, with the aircraft demonstrating impressive stability and control all the way from hover to approaching transition speeds."

FMI: www.horizonaircraft.com


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