When Getting To The Airport Doesn't Get You All The Way There | Aero-News Network
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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Tue, May 13, 2003

When Getting To The Airport Doesn't Get You All The Way There

Aircraft Spruce Puts Handybike In Catalog

So you take off for a jaunt, a little trip to another town. You land at the airport look around and realize there's not a loaner car in sight. Now, being a pilot, you are, of course, thrifty. You're also a gadget freak. What to do, what to do?

Handybike provides an alternative.

Though miniature in size, especially when folded, the collapsible bicycle is highly effective as a means of ground transportation.  Aircraft Spruce & Specialty has added the Handybike to its list of 35,000 products for pilots.

Designed in Germany, the Handybike is a clever combination of creativity and precision.  All aluminum, it is extremely lightweight at 17.6 lbs and folds into a tiny tote bag that is then easy to store in most aircraft baggage compartments, even very small ones.  It is also easy to load into the trunk of a car or strap onto the back of a wave runner or ATV.

Handybikes have one speed, with a gear ratio of 52/7 and feature a racing bike front, rear caliper brakes, and small pneumatic tires that inflate to 85 psi.  They will carry loads up to 200 lbs.  Aircraft Spruce's price on the Handybike is $299.95 and a carry bag is $35.

FMI: www.aircraftspruce.com


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