Aero-News: Quote of the Day (11.10.21) | Aero-News Network
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Wed, Nov 10, 2021

Aero-News: Quote of the Day (11.10.21)

Aero-News: Quote of the Day

ANN's Quote of the Day usually derives from current news, though we reserve the right to pick quotes out of history that have a bearing on the day's events and issues.

Sometimes, you'll find them timely and in keeping with the content of the day's news... and sometimes, they'll just be thought-provoking.

Reader suggestions and comments are welcome... and if particularly intriguing, timely, or poignant, may themselves become future Quotes of the Day.

Let us hear from you, folks!

Aero-News Quote of the Day

"The new Ka-226T is the first Russian helicopter with the entire design documentation done in digital format, significantly cutting the time required to build the machine and shortly begin flight tests. At the end of this week, the upgraded Ka-226T will make its debut at international exhibitions during the Dubai Airshow 2021, and we are confident that it will stir genuine interest among foreign customers due to its excellent flight characteristics, enabling its operation at altitudes up to 6.5 kilometers, its versatility, comfort and safety..."

Source: A Rostec spokesman explaining how Rostec State Corporation's Russian Helicopters Holding Company has commenced its flight tests and made the successful first flight of the upgraded Kamov Ka-226.



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