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September 10, 2021

Tensions Build In Ongoing Suit Between Million Air Westchester County, NY

$30 Million Lawsuit Continues, Hangar Modernization Still Up In The Air

Westchester County filed a Motion to Dismiss Million Air’s $30 million lawsuit against the County, charging them with ongoing breaches of contract and bad faith conduct in relation with Million Air’s plan to modernize an aircraft hangar at Westchester County Airport. The Memorandum of Law submitted September 3, 2021, by Yankwitt LLP rejects the County's reasons for asking that the case filed on June 16, 2021, be dismissed. The firm details the County's repeated violations over four years of the approval process for new construction set forth in Million Air's lease with the County. Million Air says that the County repeatedly refused to approve their proposal seeking

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Airborne 09.07.21: Tunnel Flight!, B-29 Doc, USAF Mandatory Vaccine

Also: GAMA 2Q/21 Report, Perseverance Rover, Alaska A/L Wants Vax, USCG Hurricane Overflights

Professional race and aerobatic pilot Dario Costa of Italy takes it to a whole new level when he flies through a tunnel at 150 miles per hour!!! Check out this video you’ll be at the edge of your seat! On September 4th, 41 year old Costa flew his Zivko Edge 540 through the VERY narrow confines of two enclosed auto tunnels just outside Istanbul. Costa executed a tricky takeoff inside the first tunnel, flashed briefly through a gap and then continued his 150+ MPH flight through a second tunnel, flying only a few feet off the ground. After a few engine hicc

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Aero-TV at OSH21: George Bye Speaks At Oshkosh About The eFlyer Series

eFlyer Updates From The Founder, CEO & Chairman of Bye Aerospace

“Bye Aerospace has been flying and maintaining electric aircraft for the last five years. It’s not a concept, it’s not a PowerPoint, it’s an active, operating electric aircraft… a technology demonstrator for motors and batteries but most importantly, it’s a technology demonstrator for the future of general aviation,” George Bye says, enthusiastically. “The eFlyer 2, is the world’s first normal category Part 23 Amendment 64 normal category aircraft. We have three hours of flight endurance with the eFlyer 2. Th

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Up And Coming: Terrafugia Shares News Of New Brand, Commaris

First Product Is An Electric, Fixed-Wing/VTOL Named The Seeker

Terrafugia reveals the launch of a new brand, Commaris. The brand’s first product, the Seeker, is an electric, fixed-wing/VTOL hybrid aircraft designed explicitly for autonomous commercial aerial applications. Commaris revealed the Seeker at the Commercial UAV Expo in Las Vegas, which took place  from September 7 through September 9. The Seeker can fly for more than three hours without changing the battery, with top speeds just over 60 mph. The capabilities for the payload are up to 10 lbs. Assembly or disassembly is possible in the field in under three minutes.

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Air Force Test Pilot School Congratulates Latest Graduates

Space Test Fundamentals Class Had 32 Students

The Air Force Test Pilot School graduated the latest class of Space Test Fundamentals professionals during a ceremony at base theater on Edwards Air Force Base, California. The small, unique class of 32 graduated at the end of August. STF Class 21-2 call themselves the first “production” class in reference to an aircraft’s development and procurement cycle with STF Class 21-1 as the “prototype.”

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Sikorsky-Boeing Submits Early Proposal To Army

Defiant X Is Similar To Black Hawk, Affordable Price

On September 7th,  the Sikorsky-Boeing team released a statement on the early submittal of the proposal for Defiant X for the U.S. Army’s Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft. The aircraft was designed for the U.S. Army’s Future Long Range Air Assault competition. This statement can be accredited to Paul Lemmo, president, Sikorsky, and to Mark Cherry, vice president and general manager, Vertical Lift, Boeing Defense, Space & Security: “Continuing a 75-year partnership with the US Army, providing and sustaining the iconic Black Hawk, Chinook and Apache, the Sikorsky-Boeing team looks to the future with the Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft - Defiant X..."

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Korean Startup Takes Part In Development Of Drone Delivery Service For US

Pablo Air Works Alongside FAA, NASA In NY 

Pablo Air will take part in the development of a drone delivery service for use in the US. As a member of the consortium led by EVA, Pablo Air will begin its participation on a drone delivery project in New York from April, 2022. The corridor is developed with Griffiss International Airport, Thales, FAA, and NASA who are in the Northeast UAS Airspace Integration Research Alliance, based in New York. The group supports a project that will advance the UAS industry, which makes this an important for Pablo Air as it essentially will grant the company exclusive drone operation rights in this project.

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NBAA Unveils Online Content Program For Upcoming Convention

Program Will Be Available To In-Person And At-Home Attendees

The National Business Aviation Association informs the community of their online content program to accompany the live, upcoming Convention in Las Vegas. The content will include a full program of valuable education sessions and web-only features. These additions will be available to both in-person and at-home attendees of the upcoming NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition taking place from October 12-14. Recorded sessions from the live events will be made available within 24 hours after the in-person presentations. All recorded content will be available for a small fee for those joining online, while those registered to attend NBAA-BACE in person will have access to this co

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NTSB Prelim: Piper J3C-65

A Friend Went Flying And Found The Airplane In The Middle Of A Cornfield

On August 22, 2021, about 1300 central daylight time, a Piper J3C-65, N70643, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Adrian, Missouri. The pilot was fatally injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. The pilot’s wife reported that he took off from their private grass runway about 1300 for a leisure flight. She did not watch him takeoff; nor did she hear anything. She also did not know his destination or when to expect him back. Later that evening she attempted to reach him, but she did not become concerned until dark. She drove their property and the surrounding area but did not find

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (09.10.21)

Aero Linx: fly2help fly2help is a charity dedicated to changing lives using the power and wonder of flight. Air Smiles Experiences are days of respite for families going through difficult life experiences, a chance to take to the skies in a light aircraft and make incredible memories together. Aim High showcases all the opportunities available to young people considering their future career choices through a variety of different programmes and opportunities.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (09.10.21): Surveillance Approach

Surveillance Approach An instrument approach wherein the air traffic controller issues instructions, for pilot compliance, based on aircraft position in relation to the final approach course (azimuth), and the distance (range) from the end of the runway as displayed on the controller’s radar scope. The controller will provide recommended altitudes on final approach if requested by the pilot.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (09.10.21)

"We are very excited to launch our new brand, Commaris, and its first product, the Seeker. This UAV is designed to perform a wide variety of commercial inspection operations in applications such as power, gas, oil, mapping, agriculture, and security. Our team of experienced aviation professionals has created an extremely capable, commercial-grade UAV that, in many situations, will deliver results that typical rotary-wing UAVs or helicopters cannot come close to providing.” Source: Kevin Colburn, President of Terrafugia and Commaris, discussing their announcement of a new UAV program.

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