U.S. Sport Aviation Expo On Track To Equal Past Performance | Aero-News Network
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Tue, Nov 09, 2010

U.S. Sport Aviation Expo On Track To Equal Past Performance

Exhibitors On A Waiting List For Inside Spaces

The Chairman of the US Sport Aviation Expo, which is set for January 20-23, at Sebring Regional Airport in central Florida, said Monday that exhibitor response seems as good as or better than in years past. "We actually have a waiting list for inside exhibit spaces and have very few outside spaces remaining for the January show", says Bob Wood, Expo Chairman.

"The staff mailed out contracts about two weeks back and we are now starting to receive signed documents with payments. We will have a few cancellations, as that is normal, however any business not now with a contract should contact us without delay."

While some few exhibitors have dropped out, this has been more than made up for by new exhibitors identified at AirVenture and through advertising. The show has a few more outside spaces than in the past and a few less inside spaces. This is due to reconfiguring the main inside exhibit area to have all inside exhibits in one large tent as compared to the past when we used a number of smaller tents.

For Expo 2011, the FAA will establish a control tower to control all traffic, including Expo demonstration aircraft. The tower will be in operation from 0900 to 1700 EST each day during the show, which provide times for Power Parachute operations when the tower is not operational.

FMI: www.sport-aviation-expo.com


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