Bye Energy Completes MOU With Vertical Power | Aero-News Network
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Tue, Dec 08, 2009

Bye Energy Completes MOU With Vertical Power

Initial Focus Is On Experimental And LSA Markets

Bye Energy has announced a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Vertical Power on the incorporation of Vertical Power's electrical power management system into Bye Energy's electric hybrid propulsion system (EHPS). The collaboration will initially focus on the experimental and light sport markets, and eventually look towards certified aircraft and military applications.

Bye Energy is an integrator of alternative energy and renewable fuel technologies for business and general aviation aircraft. The subsidiary of Bye Aerospace hopes to develop a practical, efficient, light-weight EHPS as an alternative to traditional internal combustion engines currently utilized by most GA aircraft. Bye Energy says such an electric propulsion system would provide the aviation community with an economical, more efficient, low emission "green" propulsion option. The continued improvements in power management technology, lithium-ion battery technology, electric motors and lightweight aircraft design are key elements of this system.

Vertical Power's advanced power management and distribution technology will be used to manage and optimize the electrical usage of the aircraft and responds intelligently to electrical system failures. Older thermal circuit breakers are replaced with intelligent Electronic Circuit Breakers, thereby enabling new capabilities to closely monitor and control the aircraft's electrical system.

"Vertical Power's system represents an extraordinary advance in electric power system management for general aviation.  We are very pleased to work together with this innovative technology leader," said George Bye, CEO of Bye Energy

Marc Ausman, President of Vertical Power, said, "We see a very broad application of our technology with electrically-powered aircraft. Today's aircraft are more and more dependent on a healthy electrical system and that is even more critical on a plane whose engine is an electric motor. We look forward to working together with Bye Aerospace, who is taking a leading position in this area."



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