Crew to move Soyuz craft from one dock to another, enjoyed day
off for Thanksgiving
Just like many
Earth-bound travelers, the International Space Station crew
observed Thanksgiving this week and prepared for a short trip
planned for Monday.
Expedition 10 Commander and NASA Science Officer Leroy Chiao and
Flight Engineer Salizhan Sharipov will vacate the Station briefly
on Monday. After configuring Station systems for autonomous
operation, they will fly their Soyuz spacecraft from one parking
spot to another on the complex.
To prepare for the Soyuz repositioning, Sharipov test-fired the
Soyuz steering jets Wednesday. Today, the crew reviewed their plans
for the brief undocking and redocking activities with ground
controllers and closed the hatch between the ISS Progress 15
resupply craft and the Zvezda Service Module. Other hatches will be
closed Sunday and early Monday prior to the Soyuz maneuver.
At 0329 Central time Monday, Sharipov, the Soyuz commander, and
Chiao will undock the spacecraft from a port on the Station's Pirs
Docking Compartment. They will back away to a distance of about 30
meters (98 feet) and then move laterally about 14 meters (45 feet)
along the Station to briefly hold position facing the nadir docking
port on the complex's Zarya module.
The crew will then rotate the craft to align with the new
docking port, and will guide the Soyuz in for its redocking at
Zarya at about 0400 Central time. The move will clear Pirs for use
as an airlock from which Chiao and Sharipov will conduct two
Russian spacewalks early next year.
Monday's activities will be broadcast live on NASA Television
beginning at 0300 CST.
A thruster test conducted on Wednesday showed all systems ready
for the move, although Russian flight controllers did see the same
indication of a possible reduction in pressure or fuel flow from
one Soyuz thruster as had been noted during the spacecraft's
arrival at the complex in October.
Since the abnormal indication poses no problem for the safe
operation of the Soyuz on Monday or in the future, Station managers
gave final approval Wednesday for the 30-minute maneuver. A further
test of the same thruster originally planned during the
repositioning Monday to gather more data for Russian specialists
monitoring the system was canceled today by Russian managers since
it involves a thruster that will not be used during Monday’s
Also this week, the crew began preparations for the undocking of
the Progress cargo craft attached to the Station. The crew
reinstalled a docking mechanism on the resupply vehicle, which will
be undocked from the complex and deorbited a few days before
Russian managers have elected not to conduct another reboost of
the Station to make up for a slight shortfall in altitude resulting
from last week’s firing of the Progress engines. As a result,
Russian space officials are expected to move the launch of the new
ISS Progress 16 resupply craft one day -- to December 24 (December
23, US time) -- with a docking to the Station on December 26
(Christmas Day, US time) to meet the current altitude of the
complex. A final decision on the adjustment to the Progress launch
date is expected early next week.
The crew took the day off Thursday in observance of the
Thanksgiving holiday, enjoying packaged smoked turkey and potatoes.
They also have off-duty time planned for the weekend before getting
an early start Sunday evening to prepare for the Soyuz move in the
wee hours Monday.