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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Tue, Jan 06, 2004

Upgraded: Richard Wallman

Elected To Head ExpressJet Board

ExpressJet Holdings reports Richard F. Wallman has been elected to fill a vacancy on its board of directors.

Wallman retired in July 2003, having served as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Honeywell International Inc., and its predecessor, Allied Signal Inc., since March 1995. Prior to joining Honeywell,  Wallman held positions with IBM, Chrysler and Ford.  Wallman is 52 years old and is also a director of Ariba, Inc., Avaya Inc., Hayes Lemmerz International, Inc. and Lear Corporation.

ExpressJet Airlines, Air Transport World's 2003 Regional Airline of the Year, operates as Continental Express, the regional jet affiliate of Continental Airlines.

FMI: www.expressjet.com


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