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Wed, Jul 30, 2003

ANN's Supporting Sponsors Brought This Special Coverage To YOU!

Who Loves Ya, Baby? Obviously, These Companies Do...

Completing our roster of exemplary sponsors, ANN is pleased to draw your attention to the following six companies that helped make it possible for us to bring all these stories to you, day by day, from Good ol' Oshkosh... the most aviation friendly place on Mother EARTH.

In addition to Lead Sponsor Cirrus Design, and Major Sponsors Bombardier, Sennheiser and Unison, please note that these folks gave us critical support so that we could write all these cool stories for you...

ANN Supporting Sponsors

Aerocomp, Inc.

AirVenture Display Area 290

Product Line?

You Want A Product Line?

Aerocomp, Inc. manufactures kits for a complete family of all-composite kit-built airplanes, ranging in size from 2 to 11 seats, powered by engines from 65 to 660 hp, with cruise speeds ranging from 75 mph to 275 mph TAS. Do you know ANYONE else who can make that claim? Nope? Now, THAT's a product line!

Aerocomp's specialty is all-composite airplanes featuring big roomy cabins, with high useful loads, and excellent short field/off-airport takeoff/landing characteristics.

Learn More About Aerocomp by clicking here or by visiting

American Autogyro

AirVenture Display Area #47 Display Area #47,
just west of North Hangar C near the Main Gate in the Main Aircraft Display

The sport rotorcraft industry is one of the most exciting aviation industries in the world... it is also one of the most critical in terms of the need for solid engineering, design and manufacturing practices -- not always a major feature among many sport rotorcraft manufacturers. American Autogyro, Inc., growing out of the highly regarded Groen Brothers rotorcraft operation, has stepped up to fill a here-to-fore unfilled void... first with an extensive retrofit kit designed to make one of the more popular two place gyros adhere to safer and more acceptable engineering and aerodynamic practices, as well as an all-new design to offer to those just entering this exciting industry and hobby, The AAI Sparrowhawk.

American Autogyro, Inc. will be offering introductory flight lessons, for a nominal charge, at Fond du Lac Airport, a short drive south of Oshkosh. Several SparrowHawk prototypes will be on hand to accommodate those interested in taking a ride in what Jim Mayfield, AAI President and Chief Test Pilot, calls the most stable aircraft he has ever flown during his 35 year flight career. Jim is one of only a handful of individuals certified as a gyroplane pilot examiner by the FAA and is a well-respected member of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots (SETP), an elite world wide organization of only 1800 pilots. With more than 3,300 hours of gyroplane flight time and over 12,800 total hours flight time, he has been Chief Test Pilot on more than 225 aircraft.  AAI will provide a free shuttle service between AirVenture and Fond du Lac.

Learn More About American Autogyro by clicking here or by visiting

BRS Parachutes

AirVenture Display Area #58 in the GA area opposite Cirrus Design, just inside the main gate, AND  Corner space 566C on the ultralight area flight line

You have no idea what a pleasure it is to have BRS as a Supporting Sponsor of ANN's Coverage of Oshkosh 2003... but then again, they've been VERY supportive of ANN Editor-in-Chief, Jim Campbell, in the past... The hard way.

If you take a look at the long list of LIVE/LIVING/NOT-DEAD people who have fired off a BRS Chute "in anger," you'll see his name on the list. So he's not just a grateful Sponsoree... but a survivor -- thanks to the GREAT Letdown that a BRS provides when the whole world has decided that it's NOT going to be your day.

So... who are these guys? Simple... when all else has failed, these guys are the only ones that can give you that ONE last chance that no one else can (unless you have a direct line to the Al,mighty him/herself). BRS is a company specializing in novel and exquisitely engineered SAFETY systems... specifically, WHOLE AIRCRAFT parachute recovery systems, that can keep an aircraft from inheriting the earth at the kinds of destructive speeds that would not otherwise allow for your survival. Over 150 people can attest to this... 150+ LIVE people. Get the picture?

Learn More About BRS Parachutes by clicking here or by visiting

New Glasair/New GlaStar

AirVenture Display Area 468, 469

In 1980 the kitplane industry was revolutionized by the introduction of the Glasair - the world's first pre-molded composite kitplane. They have remained on the leading edge of the exciting world of homebuilt aviation ever since! New Glasair - New GlaStar is now one of the largest, most well established kitplane manufacturers in the world, with more than 2,500 kits in the field and some 1,200 aircraft flying in countries around the world.

Their hard-earned reputation for innovative design, thorough engineering, quality components and conscientious customer service is unequaled in the industry. Whether your definition of flying fun is zooming off on a long cross-country in style and comfort, playing fighter pilot for an afternoon in your personal aerial hotrod, or dropping into a short mountain airstrip with a load of camping gear, New Glasair - New GlaStar has THE airplane to fill your needs!

Learn More About New Glasair by clicking here or by visiting

New Piper
AirVenture Display Area 72-75, 79-82

When Mr. Piper introduced the Piper Cub in 1937, he had a dream. He felt that everyone should fly. And he believed that Piper could provide everyone with that freedom.

Still keeping his dream alive today, Piper is the only general aviation manufacturer to offer a complete line of aircraft to help realize the flying dreams of most any pilot. From rugged, reliable trainers to high-performance business turbo-props, Piper creates the highest quality aircraft for everyone -- from new pilots to adventure-seekers to serious business travelers.

We know we don't just make airplanes. We create the freedom of flight.

Learn More About New Piper by clicking here or by visiting

Velocity Aircraft

AirVenture Display Area 412, 413, 418, 419

They're truly one of the most respected names in sport aviation.... Velocity Aircraft. One of the first to get beyond the limits of two-place high-performance Sportplane constraints, Velocity Aircraft has combined rugged composite construction with excellent handling, roomy cabins, speedy economy, and solid four or five seat family-carrying capabilities into one of the most respected aircraft in the business.

Learn More About Velocity Aircraft by clicking here or by visiting


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