Van’s Refines New RV-15 Prototype | Aero-News Network
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Mon, Sep 30, 2024

Van’s Refines New RV-15 Prototype

Tail and Aileron Receive Aerodynamic Upgrades

Flight testing of the new Van’s Aircraft RV-15 engineering prototype is underway, and despite a few setbacks, the process is in full swing. The company is currently working on a few tweaks to enhance both aerodynamics and usability.

“We’re hard at work refining the RV-15 prototype, and our latest update features a new revision to the tail,” the company noted in a Facebook post. “With favorable Oregon weather this week, we’re ready for more flight testing!"

Van’s released several other changes, including moving the flap handle from the overhead position to a floor mount, updating aileron control systems, and evaluating a conventional horizontal stabilizer/elevator design.

Straying from the Van’s traditional kit reputation, the RV-15 is a high-wing model. It is an all-metal tailwheel aircraft, though plans include a tricycle variation in the future, with a redesigned gear and suspension system. The prototype’s powerplant is a four-cylinder Lycoming IO-390 EXP-119, delivering 220 hp to an 80-inch composite Hartzell Trailblazer propeller. The production version is intended for any four-cylinder Lycoming engine from 180 to 220 hp.

Actual speeds or weights have not been determined; however, the company is targeting a 140 kt standard cruise and a useful load of up to 900 pounds. Another important detail that has yet to be released? The availability date.

“We can’t tell you exactly when, yet. The way we work around here is like this: We fly the prototype, make changes, and adjust until it’s just right. That’s our top priority,” Van’s stated.

So far, opinions on the prototype are relatively mixed. The manufacturer filed for bankruptcy late last year, so the community has debated whether Van’s should be spending its remaining funds on the RV-15 concept rather than rebuilding trust in previous models. While this is a fair concern, the RV-15 looks to be a promising addition to the Van’s agenda.

The kit testing was put on hold earlier this year to allow for the development of other products, though it kicked up in the summer and has been making steady progress ever since.



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