Lots of Optimistic Expressed at Heli-Expo 2003
Schweizer Aircraft displayed an extrensive array
of wares at the Helicopter Association International (HAI)
convention. This year's display included a Model 333
Helicopter equipped for utility operation with a three place
interior, a 300C equipped with a small profile instrument panel for
maximum visibility, and a 300CBi heading for flight training
in Ireland.
Schweizer's Model 333 has proven it can compete in the light
turbine market, starting 2003 with orders for 5 new aircraft..
with more expected to follow. 333 helicopters are now flying a
multitude of different missions in the US and around the world
including airborne law enforcement, powerline/pipeline patrol,
military flight training, aerial wildlife surveys, security patrols
and light utility operations.

The West Palm Beach Police Department recently took delivery of
a new Model 333. They were the launch law enforcement customer for
the Model 330 when they took delivery of their first 330 in March,
1996. Subsequently, the West Palm Beach Police Department upgraded
their aircraft to a 330SP in 1997 and then to a 333 in 2000. After
flying 4700 hours on that aircraft, it was traded in for the new
333, which they are currently operating.
The 300C on display at the show was displayed
courtesy of Bill Murphy of Denver, Colorado. Mr. Murphy took
delivery of his 300C in late 2002 and currently uses it in his
construction business for personal transportation between
construction sites. He also leases the helicopter to Rotors of the
Rockies where it is used for flight training.
The Schweizer Model 300C continues to hold a firm position in
the light piston helicopter market. A number of new operators are
purchasing their first new 300C and long time operators are
replacing their old aircraft with new. During the past year,
Schweizer sold new 300C's to operators who are employing the
helicopters in a variety of uses including mountain flight
training, construction sight survey and transportation, law
enforcement patrol, personal and business use. Beginning with
aircraft delivered in 2003, the 300C comes standard with a new
splined M/R driveshaft and hub, which have increased retirement
lives of 3,200 and 8,000 hours, respectively. The hub and shaft are
no longer a matched set and are easier to remove and replace which
translates to lower maintenance costs and further cost savings.
A new 300CBi was displayed courtesy of European
Helicopter Academy of Dublin, Ireland. European Helicopter
Academy currently operates a Schweizer 300CB and 300CBi in their
flight training operation. The delivery of the new 300CBi will
bring their fleet of Schweizer helicopters to three.
Since its initial delivery in the summer of 2002, the 300CBi has
been extremely well received in the field and the demand for the
helicopter continues to grow. The impressive flight handling and
safety characteristics of the 300CBi have to date generated a
market for the aircraft in flight training and light utility
operations in Australia, Canada, England, Ireland, New Zealand and
the United States. For commercial training schools, Schweizer feels
that the 300CBi provides a cost of ownership equal to or less than
that of any other training helicopter.
When asked for his comments on Heli Expo 2003, Schweizer
President, Paul Schweizer stated that, "Our Company is extremely
optimistic for 2003 and beyond. With the introduction of the
300CBi, we now have the most cost effective and the world's best
flight training helicopter. The 300C continues to be successful
with numerous operators purchasing their first new 300C's and long
time customers adding new 300C's to their fleets. When we developed
the 333, we knew we had a helicopter that could successfully
compete in the light turbine market. Although it is not all things
to all people, we are seeing the 333 fill important market niches
in which it can perform more effectively than any other helicopter.
2003 should be an exciting year for Schweizer."