Upgraded: Maj. General Perryman | Aero-News Network
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Tue, Jan 14, 2003

Upgraded: Maj. General Perryman

Retired Air Force Major General Gerald Perryman Joins Raytheon

Raytheon Company has named Maj. Gen. Gerald Perryman, USAF, Ret., as the lead executive for its Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Strategic Business Area (SBA) team.

Working from Raytheon's offices in McKinney (TX), Perryman will focus on presenting an integrated view of Raytheon's vast ISR capabilities to the customer community, creating total ISR solutions for complex missions, and leading the company's efforts to capture new ISR business. Perryman will report to Jack Kelble, president of Space and Airborne Systems (SAS), who is the leader of the company's ISR SBA, and to Mike Keebaugh, president of Intelligence and Information Systems (IIS), who is the ISR co-leader.

Although Kelble and Keebaugh are responsible for the ISR SBA, this strategic business area will cut across the company and will involve the support and assistance of all Raytheon business units.

The ISR SBA is one of Raytheon's four strategic business areas. The other three SBAs are Missile Defense, Precision Engagement, and Homeland Security. As an integral part of the recent company-wide reorganization, the four SBAs will enable Raytheon to align itself more closely with the customers; position the company for growth; and facilitate greater agility and speed during key capture pursuits.

Prior to his new assignment, Perryman was assistant deputy chief of staff for Warfighting Integration, U.S. Air Force Headquarters, Washington, D.C. In that capacity, he helped create a strategy for the development and fielding of an integrated command, control, communications, computer, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) architecture. Perryman has also commanded the Aerospace Command and Control and ISR Center at Langley Air Force Base (VA).

FMI: www.raytheon.com, www.af.mil/news/biographies/perryman_gf.html


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