ANN Phase Three: God Help Us, We Did It... | Aero-News Network
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Sun, Jun 22, 2003

ANN Phase Three: God Help Us, We Did It...

Whew! Well... here it is. Phase Three.

Well, most of it, anyway.

This is the first rollout for a whole new generation of functionality for the Aviation World's Most Comprehensive DAILY News Service... but it's not all of what we promised. There's more coming... LOTS MORE.

Like all complex projects (and most blind dates), it's best to bite off only as much as you can chew, so we're unveiling the basic Phase Three features today and will be rolling out even more in the days and weeks ahead.

Wait til you see some of the new toys we've built for you...

This is the "Plain Vanilla" version of the ANN Phase Three Front-End, some fancier treatments are coming up, but we wanted the fastest loading and least bandwidth-intensive versions up first so that those of you still chained to slow-poke modems didn't need to bring a bag lunch to watch the site load.

We'll have some tutorials for you shortly about our new features and functionality but we invite you to look around, play with the new bells and whistles and get used to things as we get a little sleep and try to catch up on some news-writing.

A couple of caveats... no, we didn't permanently shrink all the pictures. The default layout now "thumbnails" all images so that they lay-out easily and LOAD FAST.


Click ANY thumbnail and you'll see a window with the full-size image, ASAP. If you want to see some of the amazing ways we've allowed you to customize the new ANN, scroll to the bottom and play with the many ways that YOU can format ANN the way that fits YOU best.

We hope you like it, we welcome your comments, and like all great changes, please take the time to get a good feel for the new digs. 

Jim Campbell--ANN Editor-In-Chief
(In Search of A Well-Deserved Nap)


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