Glass Cockpit Skylane Joins UC Training Fleet | Aero-News Network
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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Mon, Nov 29, 2004

Glass Cockpit Skylane Joins UC Training Fleet

First College Trainer Of Its Kind

The University of Cincinnati (UC) Aviation Technology Program has added a brand-new Garmin G1000-equipped Cessna Skylane to its training fleet. UC is one of the first collegiate aviation programs to make available this revolutionary glass-cockpit technology of the G1000 (Middle Tennessee State University was the first to put the G1000 into service with four G1000-equipped DA40's which were delivered August 12, 2004).

The G1000 glass cockpit consolidates flight, navigation, engine and sensor data onto two easily readable displays integrating control and display of virtually all functions in one package. The side-to-side viewing capability and crystal clear optics bring a wealth of data to the pilot's fingertips.

"It's imperative for a leading collegiate aviation program to be on the cutting edge of flight deck technology," said UC's Director of Aviation Technology Eric Radtke. "The experience our graduates will gain from this airplane will be a tremendous competitive advantage in the marketplace."

The new glass cockpit Skylane joins a UC fleet of 15 training aircraft including Cessna 172s and Cessna 152s, a Beechcraft Bonanza, Piper Aztec, and Diamond Motorglider.

The University of Cincinnati's Aviation Technology Program is administered by Sporty's Academy, Inc. Sporty's provides flight instructors, aircraft, and training curriculum in support of the program. Flight training takes place at Clermont County/Sporty's Airport (I69).



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