Also: CAP's 75th!, Good Aero-Neighbors, HeliTrak R22 Autopilot, Lithium A/L Ban, New KS AvDirector, VFA-113/NAS Lemoore, DJI Care
The filming of the new Star Wars movie is as secret as a military operation, maybe more so, and anyone using a drone to spy on the operation might find themselves in a, “Drone War,” of their own. Some of the scenes for the movie are being filmed in Croatia in the tourist town of Dubrovnik, according to the tech site Blastr. They relay a report from the Croatian Star Wars site MosCroatia that the sets for ‘Star Wars Episode-8’ could be protected by as many as 600 guards, and there may be guard drones as well. Easy VFR is navigation app produced by The PocketFMS, and they have just released EasyVFR 3.9 on