Wed, Jun 04, 2003
Don't Get Busted Enroute
AOPA's Air
Safety Foundation on Monday took the wraps off of a new online
training program designed to help pilots navigate safely and
legally through the ever-shifting airspace environment. Know
Before You Go: Navigating Today's Airspace, is a free,
interactive program that helps pilots understand what's required of
them no matter what type of airspace they're in.
Pop-up TFRs Could Get You an Intro to an F-15
"As pilots in command, it's ultimately our responsibility to
know where we're allowed to fly," said ASF Executive Director Bruce
Landsberg. "But between cryptically worded notams and short-notice
changes, it can be hard for pilots to stay one step ahead. Know
Before You Go is designed to give pilots that extra step."
Know Before You Go is a dynamic, interactive program
that not only teaches pilots about the challenges of
security-related flight restrictions, but also reviews normal,
everyday airspace issues as well.
taking the course will learn how to interpret NOTAMs, especially
temporary flight restriction (TFR) NOTAMs; how to safely operate in
and around TFR and air defense identification zones (ADIZ) as well
as flight restricted zones (FRZ), such as SFAR 94 around
Washington, D.C.; how to avoid getting
intercepted, along with advice on what to do in the event
of an intercept. The course even offers a printable "intercept
memory card" to keep in your flight bag in case the worst
Know Before You Go also offers useful flight planning
tips for every type of airspace across the country, including how
to document flight planning to defend yourself in the event of an
enforcement action.
Pilots who complete Know Before You Go are eligible for
credit in the FAA Wings program, and upon successfully completing
the online program, can print out a graduation certificate. That
certificate constitutes proof of graduation for the FAA.
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