Sun, Jun 07, 2009
Focus On Better Use Of Airspace
Members of the Multinational Corps-Iraq held an Airspace
Interoperability Synchronization Conference May 30th, in an attempt
to better use the airspace over Iraq.
As members of the MNC-I joint fires and effects cell, air and
missile defense team service members are responsible for
executing airspace command and control, as well as air and
missile defense within the Iraq theater of operations. It is also
the nerve center for all Army air and missile defense data link
communications in Iraq. Its coordination and integration with the
Air Force Control and Reporting Center at Joint Base Balad, Iraq,
the Marine Tactical Air Operations Center at Al Assad, Iraq, and
theater air defense airspace management systems is critical for
successful airspace management and conflict resolution.
The face-to-face conference was held to discuss and assess the
current procedures, and determine how to conduct operations more
"It's not very often that you have an opportunity to bring all
these different players together and it's important because we have
been over here for quite a few years now and this gives us the
opportunity to really gage where we are in airspace command and
control and air and missile defense and find ways to make our
processes more efficient and more effective," said Army Lt. Col.
James Houlahan, the MNC-I air and missile defense cell
The goal for the two-day conference was to continue to improve
joint tactics, techniques and procedures while fostering and
encouraging teamwork among the services, and developing personal
relationships focused on integrating assets and capabilities to
form strong joint alliances.
"Nothing substitutes being able to sit at a table and being able
to trade ideas with the other people who are doing the same job you
are doing on a daily basis," said Maj. Richard Ramsey, a joint
interface control officer at the Combined Air Operations Center
(CAOC). "Ultimately this will make things run even more efficiently
out there in the theater."
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