Fri, Dec 13, 2019
Move To European Union Hub Speeds Parts Delivery
Gulfstream has moved its European Customer Support Parts Distribution Center from the London area to near Amsterdam. The new center adjacent to Amsterdam Airport Schiphol houses high-usage items and provides timely support to company-authorized maintenance facilities in the European Union (EU).
“We made this move to ensure the continued speedy delivery of parts and materials to customers in the EU,” said Derek Zimmerman, president, Gulfstream Customer Support. “In preparation for Brexit, we began moving parts from our London Heathrow-area distribution center into Amsterdam several months ago. The Amsterdam location is fully operational, and we have already transitioned more than $20 million in inventory. All stock in Amsterdam is customs-cleared into the EU, allowing for faster access to parts."
“Our customers traveling through or based in the United Kingdom will continue to receive support from our company-owned London-Luton Airport service center, which has a parts inventory of more than $45 million. Parts supply and availability in the UK remain a high priority for our organization as the larger European market evolves."
Gulfstream’s new European parts hub near Amsterdam is approximately 25,000 square feet. The facility, located in the Fokker Logistics Park, is expected to have approximately $28 million in inventory by the end of 2019. Gulfstream’s partner in this operation is Crane Worldwide Logistics, which provides the warehouse space and handles logistics services.
Gulfstream maintains a worldwide spare parts inventory of more than $1.6 billion.
(Image provided with Gulfstream news release)
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