NTSB Prelim: Beech F33A | Aero-News Network
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Sun, Dec 18, 2022

NTSB Prelim: Beech F33A

Airplane Impacted The Ground Adjacent To The Runway And A Taxiway

Location: Yukon, OK Accident Number: CEN23FA060
Date & Time: December 5, 2022, 21:16 Local Registration: N9142Q
Aircraft: Beech F33A Injuries: 3 Fatal
Flight Conducted Under: Part 91: General aviation - Personal

On December 5, 2022, about 2116 central standard time, a Beech F33A, N9142Q, was destroyed when it was involved in an accident shortly after takeoff from the Clarence E Page Municipal Airport (RCE), Yukon, Oklahoma. The pilot and two passengers were fatally injured.

The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. According to preliminary Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Braodcast (ADS-B) flight track data, the airplane had departed the Stillwater Regional Airport (SWO), Stillwater, Oklahoma, at 1848, and arrived at RCE at 1915. It remained on the ground for about 2 hours, and then at 2115, the airplane began a takeoff from runway 35L at RCE. The data showed that the airplane lifted off and began to climb, reaching an altitude of about 425 ft above ground level (agl), before it descended to about 275 ft agl while it turned slightly to the left. The airplane then began to climb and turned back to the right, reaching a peak altitude of about 450 ft agl before descending. The right turn continued to the end of the data and the airplane was about 230 ft agl when the final data point was recorded. The initial impact point was about 90 ft and 125° from the final data point. The main wreckage came to rest about 95 ft and 110° from the initial impact location.

The airplane impacted the ground adjacent to the runway and a taxiway about 1,300 ft south, and 200 ft east of the departure end of runway 35L. It came to rest facing 255°. The initial impact location had material from the right wing tip tank and the right outboard wing was bent upward about 45 degrees. The grass area where the accident occurred had a large burn area and the entire cabin section of the airplane had been almost completely consumed by the postimpact fire.

FMI: www.ntsb.gov


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