AOPA Reminds FAA Of AIP Importance | Aero-News Network
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Sat, Nov 13, 2004

AOPA Reminds FAA Of AIP Importance

Comments emphasize that grant enforcement is key to protecting airports

AOPA has told the FAA that the agency must maintain its authority to enforce airport grant obligations in order to protect the nation’s general aviation airports.

The FAA has proposed changes to the Airport Improvement Program grant assurances. AIP grants provide federal monies to help maintain, develop, and improve airports. Grant assurances protect those federal monies.

In comments on the FAA’s proposed changes, AOPA Vice President of Airports Bill Dunn wrote that the FAA must continue its policy of requiring that airport-generated revenue be devoted exclusively to airport infrastructure development.

“Federal airport development assistance through the Airport Improvement Program plays a significant and vital role in maintaining airport infrastructure that enables the United States to enjoy an efficient and envied national system of airports,” wrote Dunn. “The grant assurances associated with the AIP development program … have provided the FAA with a very efficient way of protecting our airport system and should continue to play the same important role in the future.”

AOPA concurred with the FAA’s assessment that the changes in federal grant assurances would reduce confusion and streamline the process. And the association applauded the addition of clarifying language that ensures public-use airports are operated efficiently and that all tenants are treated fairly.

But AOPA noted that there have been attempts to use airport revenue for non-infrastructure purposes such as air carrier service subsidies or recruitment, and made clear that it would oppose any changes that would divert general aviation airport funds to uses other than maintenance and infrastructure improvement.

“We commend the FAA … for denying these requests,” Dunn wrote. “The use of airport-generated revenues for airport infrastructure development is vital. The federal grant assurances play an important role in providing the FAA with the necessary oversight to ensure that our national system of airports continues to be a premier part of our national transportation system. To that end, the FAA’s oversight authority through grant assurances should not be minimized, but protected.”



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