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August 10, 2010

NATA Remembers Former Senator Ted Stevens

Long Political Career Draws Praise

 A DeHavilland DHC-3T carrying nine people crashed near Dillingham, Alaska, killing former Alaska Senator Theodore "Ted" Stevens and four other people on board and injuring four others, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) reported today. Former National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Administrator Sean O'Keefe was also on board the aircraft but survived.

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ANN Daily Aero-Briefing: 08.10.10

Another Cessna driver is intercepted near Washington, DC.
Two Pipers collided in mid-air on the way to Oshkosh.
And there's now a fatality in last week's crash of a skydiving flight.<

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ANN Daily Touch-And-Go: 08.10.10

Another Cessna driver is intercepted near Washington, DC.
Two Pipers collided in mid-air on the way to Oshkosh.
And there's now a fatality in last week's crash of a skydiving flight.<

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Massive AK Rescue Effort Under Way For Downed DeHavilland DHC-3T Turboprop

Former Sen. Stevens, Former NASA Admin O'Keefe Reported On Board

ANN is monitoring fast-changing reports of a downed DeHavilland floatplane that went down late Sunday night in IFR conditions. On board were a reported 9 people including retired Republican Senator Ted Stevens and former NASA Boss Sean O'Keefe (now CEO of EADS North America). Early media reports suggest that there are at least 5 fatalities but no IDs have been presented. The trip was being made to transport the party to a fishing lodge.

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Flight Attendants Find One More Reason To Be Grumpy

Turkish Airlines Grounding 'Heavy' FAs

It's been a tough road for the airlines... and after alienating God and everybody in search of a few extra shekels, it seems that its time (again) to turn on their own. ANN has been monitoring reports concerning Turkish Airlines and their recent efforts to lighten their load... by asking their cabin crews to do the same.

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Aero-News Featured Aero-Casts For Tuesday 08.10.10

ANN Daily Touch-And-Go: 08.10.10 (ANN's Short-Form Daily News Program) ANN Daily Aero-Briefing: 08.10.10 (ANN's Long-Form Daily News Program) ANN Special Feature: Pt II: PRA VP Tim O'Connor on Mentone 2010 - 08.10.10 (ANN Special Report, with Tim O'Connor, Vice President of the Popular Rotorcraft Association)

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Airman Missing in Action from WWII Identified

A Belated Welcome Home For An Ameerican Hero

The Department of Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office (DPMO) announced today that the remains of a U.S. serviceman, missing in action from World War II, have been identified and will be returned to his family for burial with full military honors.

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Flyabout An Australian Hit At Oshkosh

Father and Daughter Brave Outback In 4 Week Adventure

Oshkosh AirVenture is full of amazing stories. I had the pleasure of interviewing Monika Petrillo, the writer, producer and star of 'Flyabout', an amazing cross between a documentary and a diary as she discovers herself in the Australian Outback.

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More Aero-Heroes: USCG Rescues FL Boaters

Yeah... We Sure Wish This Country Would Hear More Stories Like This One

 With ever-increasing negativity surrounding all things aviation, we sure are glad to have the Coast Guard to point to whenever some anti-aviation NIMBY wants to ground us all... Some of the USCG's finest flyers showed what their wings were made of this weekend when three South Florida boaters who did not return from their fishing trip, as expected Thursday, were located 85 miles east of Jacksonville, Fla., Saturday morning.

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Air Freight Company Flies Emergency Aid To Flood-Stricken Pakistan

Air Partner Arranges Dispatch of an Airbus A300 Freighter

Let's add another thumbs-up for the value of aviation for those in need... Last week, an International Air Freight operation, Air Partner, put an A300 in the air, carrying 32 tons of emergency aid supplies, to flood-stricken Pakistan. The charter flight departed within 48 hours of quote confirmation taking off from Brindisi in Italy, to Islamabad, Pakistan, loaded with generators, water purification units, water tanks, plastic sheeting, latrines, jerry cans and high energy biscuits.

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AD: McDonnell Douglas

AD NUMBER: 2010-16-03

MANUFACTURER: McDonnell Douglas SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2010-16-03

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AD: Boeing

AD NUMBER: 2010-16-05

MANUFACTURER: Boeing SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2010-16-05

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Aero-TV At Oshkosh 2010: Avimech Aircraft's Dragonfly

There's More Than One Way To Turn A Rotor!

It was a site -- and sound to see/hear... Avimech Aircraft's Dragonfly, at first glance, looks like a bare bones single place helicopter. Then you look at the rotor blade tips and realize there is something different. The tips have small rocket nozzles on them! In fact this helicopter has no conventional engine! The tips are propelled by the rotor rocket nozzles, eliminating the need for a gearbox and conventional powerplant. The Dragonfly is lightweight at 220 lbs and can carry payloads of up to 800 lbs. Dragonfly's two fuel tanks are topped H2O2 (Hydrogen peroxide) an environmentally safe chemical that is commonly used to clean printing presses, and is available worldwide. The H2O2 reacts with a catalyst in the rotor nozzles, causing

Aero-TV At Oshkosh 2010: ForeFlight's Mobile HD -- Making The iPad A Pilot's Best Friend

Behold... Our Favorite iPad App -- So Far

Sometimes we get dragged kicking and screaming to the game... and some times we arrive rather early... and in the case of the iPad revolution, we can easily boast about being an early adopter... and an unrepentant fan of this 'game-changing' device. My reading habits have changed, my working habits have been modified and my personal and professional life have been aided by this amazing device... and I am assured that we ain't seen nothing yet... and if that future includes truly sublime efforts like ForeFlight's Mobile HD app, then we simply can't wait. We love this thing -- a lot.

Quest Aircraft Undergoes 3rd In Series Of Layoffs

Pioneering Turboprop Tries To Adjust To Tough Market Conditions

ANN has learned that 60 more people have been laid off, as of Monday, in the third of a series of layoffs as the company tightens its belts and works to ride out a tough economy and what has to be a lackluster order book. Quest's Head of Human Resources confirmed the layoffs but refused to go into much detail about the company's state other than to confirm that there are 'still orders on the books' and the company is doing nothing more than "what it has to do to last through this all."

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Aero-TV At Osh2010: ForeFlight's Mobile HD-Making The iPad A Pilot's Best Friend

Behold... Our Favorite iPad App -- So Far

Sometimes we get dragged kicking and screaming to the game... and some times we arrive rather early... and in the case of the iPad revolution, we can easily boast about being an early adopter... and an unrepentant fan of this 'game-changing' device.

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Aero-TV At Oshkosh 2010: Avimech Aircraft's Dragonfly

There's More Than One Way To Turn A Rotor!

It was a sight -- and sound to see/hear... Avimech Aircraft's Dragonfly, at first glance, looks like a bare bones single place helicopter. Then you look at the rotor blade tips and realize there is something different. The tips have small rocket nozzles on them! In fact this helicopter has no conventional engine! The tips are propelled by the rotor rocket nozzles, eliminating the need for a gearbox and conventional powerplant.

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AEA Comments On FAA ARC SMS Recommendations

ARC Recommendation Is The First Step In The Rulemaking Process

SUMMARY: The Safety Management Systems Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) published its final report to the FAA regarding suggestions for the implementation of SMS in the United States.    MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS: Overall, the ARC believes the FAA should issue regulations on SMS. However, it was noted that several SMS concepts already are covered by existing regulations to various degrees.

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Senate Keeps NASA Funded... Kinda

The US Space Agency Has Become A Political Football

We're not sure what to make of all of this... especially for those of us who grew up with a belief in the fundamental abilities of this country's space program... an agency peopled by folks who (once upon a time) could do the seemingly impossible and pushed our frontiers, literally, to other worlds... until Washington stepped in and took over.

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PRA Annual Fly-In Draws Over 120 Aircraft

Wings and Rotors EVERYWHERE

The Popular Rotorcraft Association's convention wrapped up with an awards banquet Saturday night in Mentone, Indiana, and got a noteworthy commitment from Dr. Bruce Charnov, a professor emeritus from Hofstra University who has richly documented the history of the autogyro dating back to the early development by Juan de la Cierva in the 1920s.

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NTSB: 'Stuck Throttle' Trashes Bonanza

Departed Runway, Struck A Moving Vehicle, Pilot OK

Things happen fast upon landing but a stuck throttle is one of those "what the heck" moments that requires fast and immediate reaction as the end of the runway approaches. 'Mixture/Mags/Master' is a good place to start, but in this case, whatever measures that might have been taken apparently occurred too late to keep the bird on the runway and out of harm's way. DO check throttle response, for a number of reasons, throughout an approach and landing configuration...

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (08.10.10): DF Guidance

DF Guidance Headings provided to aircraft by facilities equipped with direction finding equipment. These headings, if followed, will lead the aircraft to a predetermined point such as the DF station or an airport. DF guidance is given to aircraft in distress or to other aircraft which request the service. Practice DF guidance is provided when workload permits.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (08.10.10)

Aero-Linx: International Radio Controlled Helicopter Association The International Radio Controlled Helicopter Association (IRCHA) was established as an organization by the pilots, for the pilots. IRCHA works to promote the continued growth of radio controlled helicopters through education, representation, service, and special events...

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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (08.10.10)

"The ARC recommendation is the first step in the rulemaking process, and it is clear the FAA has a lot of work to do before a proposal can be initiated." Source: Part of the Aircraft Electronics Association's comments in regards to the Safety Management Systems Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) having published its final report to the FAA regarding suggestions for the implementation of SMS in the United States. 

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AD: Boeing

AD NUMBER: 2010-16-04

MANUFACTURER: Boeing SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2010-16-04

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