Austrocontrol AD Number: A-2004-002
Date: February 12, 2004
Applicability: DA40D aeroplanes with the following
Serial Numbers: D4.020 to D4.024, D4.026, D4.041, D4.043 to D4.045,
D4.049, D4.056, D4.060 to D4.064, D4.066, D4.067 and D4.078
Requirement: 1. Amend the Aircraft Flight Manual
(AFM Doc. 6.01.05-( ) by inserting Temporary Revision
TR-M�M-40-122 in accordance with Diamond Aircraft Industries
GmbH Mandatory Service Bulletin No. MSBD4-029 Section 1.8 paragraph
2. Carry out an inspection of the Full Authority Digital Engine
Control (FADEC)wiring in accordance with MSBD4-029 Section 1.8
paragraph b). Austrocontrol, the Austrian Civil Aviation
Administration, has advised that an incorrect wire h