Irish Flight Sim Enthusiasts To Meet in Dublin | Aero-News Network
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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Sun, Sep 05, 2004

Irish Flight Sim Enthusiasts To Meet in Dublin

PC Pilots Ireland Computer Flight Simulator And Aviation Show to take place September 19

The PC Pilots Ireland will hold Ireland's first combined Computer Flight Simulator and Aviation Show on Sunday, September 19 at the Red Cow Hotel, Naas Road, Dublin, from 1000 to 1700.

The purpose of the event is to promote Computer Flight Simulation as a hobby in the context of the wider aviation interest. The show will feature exhibits from the computer flight simulator and aviation communities in Ireland. Among the flight sim exhibitors are: Just Flight, Aerosoft, PILOT'S, Microsoft, Alpine Systems, Alsim Cockpits, Flight Simulators (Elite Consoles) and more.

Visitors will be the opportunity to fly Microsoft Flight Simulator in a homebuilt cockpit and watch demonstrations of flying on the VATSIM Network with live virtual Air Traffic Control.

Microsoft will have their new Crimson Skies flight simulator game running on the XBox game console, which visitors will have the opportunity to use. There will be free drawings to win Microsoft keyboards and copies of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 3 and Crimson Skies.

There will also be presentations from flight simulator and aviation groups and screening of aviation videos in the seated Presentation Theatre.



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