Bush Pulls Off Amazing Secret Flight To Iraq | Aero-News Network
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Fri, Nov 28, 2003

Bush Pulls Off Amazing Secret Flight To Iraq

Helps Serve Thanksgiving Dinner To Troops

In an amazing gesture of support to this nation's military heroes, President George Bush pulled off an amazing flight that is destined to become even more infamous than his recent carrier landing. Using a number of ruses, kept hidden even from his own parents, President Bush journeyed to Iraq, landing in the dark, without lights or fanfare to walk off to a stunned reception from American Servicemen enjoying turkey dinners in Baghdad, Iraq.

It was a risky (total) 27-hour flight, just days after another airliner was nearly destroyed by clandestine missile attacks, but the morale boost tot he troops was said to be "incalculable." Bush, coyly said that he showed up, 'just looking for a warm meal.'

Bush did a little political stumping for the 600 plus soldiers from the 1st Armored Division and the 82nd Airborne, that enjoyed his presence... "We did not charge hundreds of miles into the heart of Iraq, pay a bitter cost of casualties, defeat a ruthless dictator and liberate 25 million people only to retreat before a band of thugs and assassins."  

The trip was planned last month and was given serious thought after his recent trip to Asia... as the many security concerns were dealt with in complete secrecy, quite uncommon in Presidential circles.

Bush traveled from his ranch late Wednesday in a vehicle with tinted windows, each passenger wearing ball caps low on their heads to avoid possible identification. The departure of Air Force One was explained away as a maintenance flight while the switch to another Presidential aircraft threw the scent further off the track of the President's true whereabouts and eventual destination.

The trip to Baghdad took 11 hours and involved a covert, unlit approach to the airport with the aircraft's shades drawn, the aircraft's ID and position lights turned down and Bush, himself, sitting jump seat on the approach to landing. Everyone worried, continuously, about the kind of shoulder launched weaponry that nearly took down a DHL Airbus just a few days before, but the flight went off without a hitch.

Bush noted that, "I was fully prepared to turn this baby around," but a final check a few hours before the landing indicated that the security precautions were working, so the landing was cleared to proceed. Bush spent only 2.5 hours in Iraq... about as much as he dared before the word got out, but the effect on homesick trips was evident everywhere and Bush was emotionally charged by the experience, "It was an emotional moment to walk into that room, the energy level was beyond belief."

Army Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, Combined Joint Task Force 7 commander, and coalition administrator L. Paul Bremer were just finishing remarks to soldiers of the 2 Armored Cavalry Regiment and the 1st Armored and 82nd Airborne divisions and other guests at the start of what was supposed to be a traditional Thanksgiving dinner.

"It says here that I'm supposed to read the president's Thanksgiving proclamation," Bremer said. "But I thought the deal was for the most senior person to read it. Is that you, sir?" Bremer asked, turning to Sanchez. "Let's see if we've got anybody more senior here who can read the president's Thanksgiving speech. Is there anybody back there more senior than us?"

On cue, Bush walked into the area and up to the podium before a stunned crowd of soldiers. They immediately jumped to their feet and hailed him with sustained, thunderous applause and shouts of "hooah." The president's watery eyes showed his reaction.

"I was just looking for a warm meal somewhere. Thanks for inviting me," Bush said.

He acknowledged Iraqi Governing Council members on hand. "We're pleased you're joining us for one of our nation's great holidays, a chance to give thanks to the Almighty for the many blessings we've received." Then to the gathered service members he said, "I can't think of a finer group of folks to have Thanksgiving dinner with than you all.

The trip back is expected to take about 13 hours and should put him on the ground about 0200 local time -- just in time for a late Thanksgiving celebration with his family. 

E-I-C Note: No matter what you think of the President, you have to give him credit for a gutsy move that legitimately boosted morale for those who serve us each and every day... Well done, Mr. President, well done.

FMI: www.whitehouse.gov


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