Pitkin Residents Vote For County Control Over Airport Decisions | Aero-News Network
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Sat, Nov 16, 2024

Pitkin Residents Vote For County Control Over Airport Decisions

Opposing Measure Would Have Required Voter Approval On Many Issues

Pitkin County residents voted by a 67% - 33% margin to allow the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) to make its own decisions regarding the Airport Layout Plan to widen and realign the runways and taxiways at Aspen-Pitkin County Airport (KASE).

Voters overwhelmingly supported ballot question 1C, put on the ballot by the Pitkin County BOCC,  over a competing citizen initiative that would have required a vote for nearly every decision the County Commissioners might make regarding the airport.

As it currently exists, ASE has a modification of standard from the FAA permitting a narrower separation of the runway and taxiway center lines. The minimum is 400 feet but is now just 320 feet. As a result, the FAA also limits aircraft wingspans to 95 feet instead of the normal 118 feet.

Pitkin County is the home of glitzy Aspen, a destination resort with its Aspen and Snowmass ski areas, high-end hotels, restaurants, and shopping as well as a large number of notable or high-net-worth residents and visitors who value the small-town feel. The debate has centered around residents’ concerns over the airport’s – and Aspen’s – growth.

Former Aspen mayor John Bennett said, “I think the outcome reflects the community’s feeling that today’s airport really doesn’t serve us well. There’s more work ahead, but this election was a milestone in achieving our vision of a modern airport that’s better aligned with our community values and priorities … a quieter airport with lower greenhouse gas emissions and a comfortable, green terminal we can all be proud of.”

FMI:  www.pitkincounty.com/


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