Aero-News Alert: Lancair (Kits) is Sold | Aero-News Network
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Wed, Jan 29, 2003

Aero-News Alert: Lancair (Kits) is Sold

Lance Doesn't Expect Changes

We heard, through an ANN News-Spy, that the kit aircraft business (including the helicopters) had been sold. It didn't take long for us to call Lance Niebauer, to find out how true that was. "That's true -- it's in process," he told us; "Everything's basically agreed to, and done. I'm just running off copies, as we're talking."

Who's the new owner?

"It's been sold to a former customer, who's been 'part of the family' for a long time," Lance told us. "Joe Bartels, an attorney in Louisiana, will be moving out here and taking this one on. He approached us a while ago [about his buying the business]; I got to thinking it might be a good idea." The new owner is no stranger to the Lancair crowd: Mr. Bartels is the guy who put on the super-duper 'Crawdad Feast" at Sun 'n Fun each year.

Lance continued: "Joe's a businessman and a good customer." He's more than that, too. "He developed the air conditioning for the Lancair."

As far as the deal itself went, Lance told us, "All the pieces looked pretty good. I thought it might be good for the company." Although "I wasn't looking to sell the company," he said, "it'll be good for the employees; that's what I care about the most." Mr. N got a little philosophical. "This isn't about me -- it's about adding resources for the company."

Nothing should change: "It'll be the same company -- nobody's leaving; Joe's entering at the top, and he's also got additional money available, for projects, for expansion."


Lance told us, "We reached the agreement in principle just last week." Then he just had to know: "How did you guys get this?" Back to basics: "It should be final within the next three weeks; we're working the paper shuffle right now."

Whence Lance?

"I'll still be involved with the company," the founder told us. "I like to design new products; that's what I'll be doing."

Some really cool projects are staying around, even expanding. "We're still working with the Mexican Navy -- we'll be finishing the first shipment in March. Then they'll be talking about the Sentry (tandem, built on a four-place lower-half, with the Walter)." And guess what? "It's ten knots faster" than the four-place on which it's based, more than likely due to the reduced frontal area. Lance assured us he'll stay active with both the kits, and of course, the Columbia.



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