Airbus Emphasizes Procedures After Air France 447 Revelations | Aero-News Network
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Sat, Jun 06, 2009

Airbus Emphasizes Procedures After Air France 447 Revelations

Warning Sent To All Operators Following Flight 447 Tragedy

A message from Airbus, approved by French investigators, reminds all those flying any model Airbus to follow established procedures should a pilot suspect an airspeed indicator malfunctioning.  Airbus said it was sending the message “without prejudging the final outcome of the investigation,” but it might suggest airspeed management could be a contributing factor in the cascade of failures that led to the almost certain breakup of the aircraft in flight. The warning suggests that Flight 447 may have exceeded its turbulent air penetration speed as it entered the area of thunderstorms.

Multiple sources, including The New York Times, are reporting the message noted that “there was inconsistency between the different measured airspeeds” sent from Flight 447 by the aircraft's automated systems to an Air France Maintenence facility. The model A330 that was involved in the incident has triple-redundant systems for measuring airspeed, but the Accident Information Telex did not specify the nature of the inconsistancies. Other instruments are involved in providing accurate airspeed information to the pilots.

The Airbus notice referred to the Quick Reference Handbook and the Flight Crew Operating Manual, which for all the models says to keep the aircraft level and the throttle setting in place while troubleshooting.



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