King Schools Releases New Weather Course | Aero-News Network
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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Sat, May 15, 2004

King Schools Releases New Weather Course

Practical Risk Management For Weather Helps Pilots Avoid Weather Accidents

The new Practical Risk Management For Weather interactive CD-ROM course is now available from King Schools.

John King commented, "Most pilots are aware that weather can be very unforgiving. It can, and does, kill.  And the sad … truly tragic fact is that every weather-related accident could have been avoided! Nobody takes off intending to have a weather related accident and the new Practical Risk Management For Weather course will help every pilot avoid these accidents."

The course trains pilots to proactively recognize both VFR and IFR weather risks and their constantly changing reality. Pilots learn how to make essential weather-related decisions quickly and with confidence-both on the ground and in the cockpit. The FAA has recognized the importance of this training by approving the course for the WINGS program.

Practical Risk Management For Weather is the second course in the Practical Risk Management Series and focuses on managing weather risks. It builds upon the concepts in Practical Risk Management For Pilots and also qualifies for the Avemco Safety Rewards Program.

The CD-ROM course sells for $49. Running time, before interactive questions, is 113 minutes. To order, call 800-854-1001 or visit the King Schools web site.



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