C-130 Drawn In Illinois Cornfield
Pilots flying over the rural farmland near Lewistown (IL) may be
shocked to see the likeness of a C-130 Hercules etched into the
landscape hundreds of feet below.
This C-130, modeled after the neighboring Illinois Air National
Guard’s 182nd Airlift Wing aircraft, is not some mysterious
crop circle. It is a result of the hard work of patriotic and
community-minded farmer Larry Webb.

Encompassing more than 6 acres of corn on Webb’s
1,200-acre farm, the C-130 is not only an artistic statement to
aerial passers-by, but also extends into an intricately designed
corn maze. And, as if the C-130 and maze designs were not enough,
Webb also laid the C-130 outline across an American Flag background
in the field of corn.
"There are a lot of (guardsmen) in Lewistown," said the lifelong
farmer. "Our families play together. I know a lot of those guys,
and I love to hear them fly over."
The respect he has for his country’s military helped
inspire his 6-acre wonder. That inspiration alone was not the only
driving factor. Fund raising played a big role in his decision to
create the maze that accompanies the military aircraft. The maze
raises money for programs at the Lewistown High School. Webb pays
homage to both the Air National Guard and his local high school
placing the numbers "182," for the 182nd AW, in one corner of the
display while the letters "LHS," for Lewistown High School,
emblazon the ground just below the American Flag and C-130.
Some may think creating a maze and artistic renderings of a
C-130 and American Flag may sound like a lot of work. Well, those
people would be right. Crafting the "crop art" took planning,
technology and good-old-fashion elbow grease.
The first step in the process was to plant the corn. Webb
planted four different hybrids of corn in the plot. He used
different hybrids in the hopes that the various color schemes
created by each hybrid would help to enhance his design, especially
with regard to the American flag.
"The stripes don’t show very well," Webb said in reference
to the American flag.
Although the stripes may not jump out at the naked eye, the
flag’s size is exactly proportionate to the official
dimensions of "Old Glory."
Overall, Webb said the planting took a day and a half, which is
pretty time-consuming considering he normally plants 6 acres in
about half an hour.
"Twelve acres per hour is pretty easy when you are really
moving," he said.
The next step in the process involved technology. Before the
design could be crafted in the field, Webb had to design his art on
a computer.
"I have zero artistic talent," Webb said. "So, I had to use a
computer to help with this. I have a program that has the
capability to place a (photo) image behind an acreage of land
you’re trying to map. It took two days of sitting at a
computer just to plot the airplane."
Webb used his computer program and global-positioning technology
to plot out points of reference in the field. He used a hand-held
Global Positioning System unit to geographically reference his
position in the field, which showed him lines in exact proportion
to the field and his position. With the help of the computer
program and his GPS, he outlined the area with red flags.
"There was nothing easy about it," Webb said.
Once the area was plotted, it was time to put the paint to the
canvas, so to speak. Webb used a weed mower, and it took him most
of the day to cut out the design and the maze.
His current creation is not his first attempt at something
similar. Webb had designed corn mazes in the past to help raise
money for the local high-school football team. But this effort
added something extra -- the C-130.
"I’m one of those people who (is) not satisfied easily,"
Webb said in reference to his previous maze work.

This year, Webb wanted his field to be more than just a
fund-raiser. A community outreach event held by the 182nd AW gave
Webb an idea.
"I got a ride on one of the Guard’s C-130s," Webb said.
"It was amazing, and while I was there I got a name tag with a
picture of a C-130. It kind of hit me one day that I could do
something with that picture of that airplane."When Webb recently
spoke about his 6-acre creation, he sported a T-shirt with a
picture of "The Field of Dreams." The movie, starring Kevin
Costner, was filmed mostly in an Iowa cornfield not very far from
Lewistown. Webb certainly did not hear voices telling him "If you
build it, they will come," like in the movie, but he was
"When I got that flight on the C-130, I heard some of the
(guardsmen) talking, and they said some people don’t like the
noise they make when they fly over," Webb said. "They said some
people even complain. Well, I tried to do something to let these
guys know that not everyone is complaining about what they do. I,
personally, love it."
(ANN salutes Tech. Sgt. Allen Marshall, 182nd Airlift Wing
Public Affairs)