Lightning Strikes Florida Governor's King Air In Flight | Aero-News Network
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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Sat, Mar 01, 2003

Lightning Strikes Florida Governor's King Air In Flight

Jeb Bush Unhurt, But It Brightened His Day

"If you are the governor of Florida and your capital is 10 miles from Georgia, it's important to fly, and you have to."

Those words from Florida Governor Jeb Bush, the president's brother, after his King Air was hit by lightning Thursday while on the way from Tallahassee to Orlando. Before Bush boarded another state plane Friday in Tallahassee he told reporters the flight was very bumpy but that the lightning strike wasn't a big deal. None of the seven people on board was hurt.

The bolt of lightning hit the King Air's wing, knocking a hole in it.

Gubernatorial Praise For King Airs 

"These are sturdy planes," the governor said. "They're not the fastest planes in the world. King Airs are sturdy, solid planes. They're workhorse planes that do a good job, and I'm happy that our pilots are professionals."

There's no word yet on the amount of damage sustained during the strike. But the Beech was grounded until repairs could be made. No problem there for Gov. Bush. He hopped another state-owned aircraft and continued his journeys.

A spokesman for the state Department of Management Services said Friday that the amount of damage to the plane had not yet been determined.

"It's not flying and it won't fly until we're 100 percent sure it's safe," John Kuczwanski said.

He added that lightning strikes were common - so common they Federal Aviation Administration was not investigating the incident.

Bush isn't the first Florida governor to experience a lightning strike in flight.

On July 17, 1995, lightning hit a twin-engine plane carrying Lawton Chiles from Tallahassee to Tampa. The plane sustained some slight damage but landed safely, and there were no injures.



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