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Sat, Dec 06, 2003

Loy Sworn In At DHS

Adm. David Stone (USN, Ret.) To Lead TSA

Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge Friday announced the swearing-in of Admiral James Loy as the Deputy Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. Ridge also announced Loy's replacement as acting TSA Administrator -- a retired Navy admiral with plenty of experience at the helm of large military operations.

Loy formerly served as the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration until he was nominated by President Bush in October. Before his service at the Transportation Security Administration, Loy served as Commandant of the Coast Guard from 1998-2002. Loy served tours aboard six Coast Guard cutters, including command of a patrol boat in combat during the Vietnam War and command of major cutters in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

"I am pleased that Loy has been appointed and sworn in as Deputy Secretary at the Department of Homeland Security. The skills that he brings to the position as a leader and administrator are invaluable. His talent and knowledge of issues important to Homeland Security will benefit the nation, as well as this Department. I congratulate Jim, and I look forwarding to working closely with him," said Secretary Ridge. 

Ridge designated Admiral David Stone to serve as the Acting Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration. Stone currently serves the Transportation Security Administration as the Deputy Chief of Staff.

Prior to his service at TSA, Admiral Stone was the Federal Security Director at the Los Angeles International Airport. A retired US Navy officer, Admiral Stone served several assignments in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations and as Commander of the Nimitz Battlegroup and Commander of NATO's Naval Force Mediterranean.

FMI: www.dhs.gov


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