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Mon, Sep 13, 2004

Low-Flying Aircraft Spook NYC

FAA Has "No Explanation"

Operators at the Staten Island (NY) Advance were minding their own business Friday, when all of a sudden, the phones started ringing off the wall. Why, demanded the callers, are all these commercial aircraft flying so low over North Shore?

The callers were worried that another 9/11-style attack was underway. So, intrepid reporters for the Advance got busy looking for answers.

They called LaGuardia, JFK and Newark Liberty. No, they were told, there was nothing unusual going on. They called the FAA.

"There's nothing we're aware of... I can offer you no explanation," said Jim Peters, spokesman for the Eastern Region of the FAA, when queried by reporters for the Advance. "The FAA cannot tell you what was going on over the skies of Staten Island."

Peters said he checked with New York TRACON, but again, found nothing unusual. Perhaps it was a public still jittery three years after the September 11th attacks. The calls, after all, came on the third anniversary of the attacks.

FMI: www.faa.gov


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