Toledo (OH) Police Robinson Helo Patrol Nabs 204 Speeders | Aero-News Network
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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Sun, Sep 05, 2004

Toledo (OH) Police Robinson Helo Patrol Nabs 204 Speeders

Some drivers caught doing nearly 40 MPH over limit with no license

On September 1, the Toledo (OH) police department set somewhat of a record. Using an airborne patrol aircraft, a Robinson R-44 helicopter, teamed up with officers on the ground on I-75, a total of 204 vehicles were stopped for speeding.

The total number of citations were still being tallied at press time, but considering that the patrol lasted 6 hours, this has to be some kind of a record -- more than 30 vehicles were stopped every hour of the patrol.

The officers from the aviation unit of the Toledo police department clocked the drivers from the Robinson. Information was then relayed to traffic and field ops officers on the ground, who then stopped the motorists, according to the Toledo Blade. Most of the drivers were exceeding the speed limit by at least 15 miles an hour. One driver, however, was caught doing 103 MPH on the 65 MPH zone. And he didn't even have a driver's license.



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