Tire Failure Proved Fatal to T-38 Front-Seater | Aero-News Network
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Thu, Jul 03, 2003

Tire Failure Proved Fatal to T-38 Front-Seater

Tire failure caused an Air Force T-38 Talon aircraft to veer off the runway and crash at Randolph AFB (TX) on March 19, according to an accident investigation board report released July 1.

Catastrophic failure and disintegration of the right main tire caused the aircraft to crash into a barrier support stanchion killing the front-seat pilot, Maj. Peter Jahns. The rear-seat pilot, Lt. Col. Frank Gebert, sustained minor injuries.

An Air Force accident investigation board concluded that Jahns’ death was the result of his being involuntarily ejected from the aircraft when the barrier stanchion breached the front of the cockpit. The breach initiated the ejection sequence by forcing the throttle quadrant into the ejection seat. At the time of the ejection the nose and right landing gear had collapsed causing an angled ejection with no opportunity for the parachute to fill and slow Jahn’s impact.

The aircraft and crew were assigned to the 12th Flying Training Wing at Randolph. It was on a training mission for the rear-seat pilot.

FMI: www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=126


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