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Mon, Sep 20, 2004

And You Thought It Could Only Happen At O'Hare

BA Cancels Almost 1,000 Flights At Heathrow To Relieve Congestion

Britain's biggest airline confirms it: British Airways is canceling 966 flights from Heathrow Airport. And you thought it could only happen at O'Hare...

The BBC reports BA's decision was a "precautionary" measure -- the airline wants to free up some of its flying inventory in case it needs some spares.

"We have done a prudent precautionary measure which relieves some pressure on the flying program at what is a very busy airport," a BA spokesman told the BBC.

Both long- and short-haul routes were to be affected by the cancellations. The cancellations amount to about two percent of BA's overall schedule.

But union leaders were skeptical of that explanation. "You don't cancel this number of flights just to make spare aircraft available," said one. "There is something seriously wrong here with the whole staff and flight planning schedule."



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