On Saturday June 4, 2005, Illinois Wing pilots Major Chuck Hoepe
and Lt. Col. Oggie Oetken were flying Cessna N65747 (a 1982 Cessna
172P Skyhawk) when they experienced an in-flight engine
Getting To Know You, Getting To Know All About You...
For the first time since US Airways and America West announced
plans to merge, leaders of both companies' union pilots sat down in
Phoenix Monday in what was billed as a "getting to know you
The only person to survive the crash of a single-engine
skydiving aircraft said the plane was "moving like a roller
coaster" when the pilot yelled to everyone, "Jump!" The plane went
down and only 34-year old William Slattery survived.
It rained body parts in Long Island, NY, Tuesday, as the corpse
of an apparent stowaway aboard a South African Airways flight from
Dakar to JFK partially disintegrated when the crew lowered the
plane's landing gear.
AD NUMBER: 2005-11-13
SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2005-11-13
SUMMARY: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness
directive (AD) for certain BAE Systems (Operations) Limited Model
BAe 146 airplanes.
AD NUMBER: 2005-11-09
SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2005-11-09
SUMMARY: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness
directive (AD) for certain Boeing Model 727-200 series airplanes
equipped with a No. 3 cargo door.
AD NUMBER: 2005-11-11
SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2005-11-11
SUMMARY: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness
directive (AD) for certain Bombardier Model DHC-8-400, -401, and
-402 series airplanes.
At first, they were worried about being hit by de-orbiting
debris. That threat has passed, only to be replaced by a new one:
the possibility that highly-toxic fuel may leak out of the
splashed-down debris.
A US Airways fleet service agent was killed at Reagan National
Airport early Tuesday when the belt loader she was operating
somehow pinned her against an aircraft, crushing her.
Anxious to compute while you commute? That possibility is much
closer to reality, now that United Airlines and Verizon have been
given the go-ahead by the FAA to start operating in-flight wireless
internet service.
Pilot Okay As Fighter Ploughs Into Homes, Businesses
One woman was killed Tuesday when an F-7 fighter flown by the
Bangladeshi Air Force went down in the outskirts of Dhaka. There
was no immediate word on the cause of the mishap.
On July 4, NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft will
attempt an extraordinarily daring encounter with the far-flung
comet Tempel 1, which is hurtling through space at tens of
thousands of miles per hour. As if that is not challenging enough,
the comet's size, shape and other characteristics are not entirely
Remember the old saw about how flying is hours of boredom
punctuated by moments of sheer terror. Well, let's not get carried
away, but there were some moments of intense consternation for the
crew of an American Airlines 757 Monday as the aircraft had to make
an emergency landing because of a blown tire.
Canadian C130 Picks Up 92 Stranded Quebecers Threatened By
Forest Fire
Some might consider the Lockheed-Martin C130 Hercules something
of an ugly duckling. It's squat, utterly utilitarian in appearance.
But for more than 90 people stranded by fire in northern Quebec
Monday, the C130 dispatched to rescue them was probably the most
beautiful aircraft they'd ever seen.
NBAA has welcomed a court decision upholding authority for the
FAA to take action against unreasonable restrictions on certain
types of business aircraft. At the same time, the Association's
enthusiasm was tempered by some of the specifics related to the
American Legend Aircraft Announces Planned Tour of its Legend
Cub Light-Sport Aircraft
American Legend Aircraft Company announced that the company
plans to take its Legend Cub aircraft on a demonstration tour
throughout the central and northeastern United States. The Legend
Cub will begin its tour with a stop in St. Louis, MO, and make its
final stop in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, before heading back to
Texas to prepare for the first of many future annual treks to
Oshkosh, Wisconsin. The Legend Cub is a light-sport category
aircraft that will appeal to recreational flyers of all ages in all
areas of the world.
Who the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam are depends less on
your point of view than it used to do. Once, a case could be made
that the LTTE, a violent terrorist group fighting for a
racial/ethnic homeland separate from Sri Lanka, were freedom
fighters. They claimed many grievances, and made a case that they
had been mistreated and subjugated by the majority Sinhalese of the
island nation. But their methods -- they're the guys who put
suicide bombing on the map 20 years ago -- and the nihilism of
their target selection turned many who usually flock to the side of
the underdog against them.
Mooney Airplane Company Monday posted sales of $9,385,000 for
the first quarter of 2005, representing an increase of 162-percent
as compared to sales of $3,582,000 reported in the first quarter of
The NTSB stands by its report on the mishap that killed eleven
people in June, 1999. This, in spite of a jury's decision to award
the widow of American Airlines Captain Richard Buschmann, who died
in the crash of AAL Flight 1420 in Little Rock, AR.
Just about midnight recently, the wind kicked up in Iraq just as
suddenly as if someone had turned on a light switch, bringing with
it huge clouds of dust that rolled in and obliterated everything
from view.
Montreal-based Innotech Aviation has been approved as a line
service center for Honeywell's HTF 7000 turbofan engine. Under the
agreement, Innotech will perform engine removal/replacement, hot
section inspections, major periodic inspections and line
1966 Darter 100, Lycoming 320 1970TTAE, compressions
75-75-75-77, Cleveland wheels/brakes, Auto gas STC, No damage
history, all AD's completed
Exterior Quality: 7, Interior Quality: 7
Used, will sell for $18,000.00
"The problem surrounds the general public's fairly negative
feelings about 'small aircraft' -- those 'little airplanes.' So in
the very title ("Small Aircraft Transportation System 2005: A
Transformation of Air Travel") of this forum today we are using two
words that outside of [the aviation] world have a negative
connotation. Are we preaching to the choir at this event? Are we
ignoring the huge task ahead of us all: to guarantee that, if we
build it -- SATS -- they will come? Remember -- this is a general
public that thinks of a Beech 1900 commuter propjet as a 'little
Source: AOPA President Phil Boyer, speaking at the
SATS rollout in Danville, VA. His point: FAA and NASA must focus on
people, not technology, if they are to transform the nationa